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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Hi Sacredfire- One possible interpretation of feedback from people who do explorations in the spirit world or report past lives tec, is that after this life we can, at least in theory, go into the spirit world, become creative agents in our own proper right, which we share with God, and then stay there forever. What seens to happen is that we, ourselves, cling to material things through which we, ourselves, force our own rebirth into a state that more or less echoes our last time around.
The "echo" mechanism is karma, of course, and arises directly from our attitude through which we remain attached to the earthly plane.
This specific concept amuses me in particular, because it offers a way to understand both the "everlasting" nature of the afterlife (if we were only able to be everlasting) as well as the cyclic nature that leads from death to death.
There seems to be no special reason to prevent you from exploring this yourself - that is, by investigating the "spirit world", that rest will folow soon enough anyhow.