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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 596
Missoula, Montana
B-man, I know you imagine some of your desirese to be too perverse to quality you for heaven. So humor me for a moment. just think of all that great spirit sex through soul fusion you're goiing to miss while you're being slapped around in your own Hell. Swedenborg's book about romantic unions in Heaven is deemed his best by many Swedenborgians. In your custom-made Hell, yuur privacy won't be respected because you'll be surrounded by domineering control freaks who may want their own privacy but won't expect the desires of others for the same privilege. As you admitted on another thread, you'll probably be too weak to adquately defend yourself. So you'll be taken your laumps while you wait for a chance to annihilate oourself, but that chance may never come for aeons. Bruce Moen encoutneres soul annihilations during his astral travels, but insists they are extremely rare. ***************** Well, so be it, Don. If my fate is to be a weakling, then I DESERVE to be slapped around for a couple million years. Weak men. If EVER there was an insult to creation, it's THESE turds. (Maybe if Hitler had gone after WIMPS instead of Jews, the world wouldn't have hated his memory so much???) Maybe the reason why soul annihilations are so rare, is because so few people WANT it during their lives? They haven't adequately TRAINED their desires! How many "souls", are actively seeking annihilation at any given time? Not many, I'd bet. Would not your precious "angels" respond to the direct calls of an obviously depressed individual, who RECOGNIZED their existence and their office? (As I'm sure the "thief" in "Thief Hell" did just that when he successfully petitioned "God" to un-make him. He knew he could never stomach "heaven", but he acknowledged "God." Knowing this story, gives me the advantage over your typical "confused" "Hell" arrivee... does it not? For I don't think that thief studied the afterlife while he was alive, as I have. Would THAT not save me an eon or two of suffering?) Me, I am working on understanding oblivion, and conceptualizing it. Believe it or not, Don... I actually PRAY for it (along the lines of, "God, I don't know if you exist or if you even give a s**t, but show me the way to oblivion after I die - Amen" or what have you.) Helps me sleep at night. In the meantime, better practice my pistol shooting, get back into martial arts, and even work on guided meditation so I can make astral weapons appear and so forth. If I can hold onto my conscious logical mind enough to seek after annihilation, I'm sure I can learn to do this... right? It makes sense. Perhaps I could learn to construct a "fortress" for myself, or even a portable "force field" or what have you... Or I could cover myself with quills, like a porcupine. (Would you slap a porkie, Don? Didn't think so..!) Of course, "Hell" is hell, right? There'd be a heavy price to pay. The price I'd pay for this is LONELINESS, boredom perhaps, and no friends as I continued to research means to snuff my consciousness. (But I'd way prefer that, to getting "slapped around" like a Southern housewife.) In other words... I should take up MAGICAL ARTS!!! From what I've studied about metaphysics, "magical arts" are nothing more than conscious manipulation of subconscious content. (Perhaps this merits a thread of its OWN, Don. I'll think about it...) Remember that dream I posted about last year, when I shot the guy who was vandalizing my car? Maybe I can make "Hell" a little less hot for myself, while striving for my annihilation..!
P.S. "Soul Fusion"? Sounds about as exciting as picking my nose, Don. (Heck, even less so... you can't deny the satisfaction of mining a "nugget" every now and then.)