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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 596
Missoula, Montana
I am very disappointed. Don, I expected you to be above this type of school boy banter. Of course Jesus existed. There is much in the Roman historical record to support the facts surrounding his earthly life. But do you need to prove it in a separate thread? And must you hammer at Dude so? Compared to others on the board, he has been gentle, not insulting (as I noted in another thread, I have invoked the peer moderator system against objectionable posts such as recent demeaning comments from Ra). He (Dude) may have been dismissive of the existence of Satan, but he did not deny anyone their right to their beliefs. Don, would it not have sufficed to point out that Juditha/Deanna's beliefs are to be respected, and end it at that? Dude, please save us the agony of starting a thread about the existence of Jesus. Don will cite his sources, and in the end we will conclude that there was evidence for his having existed in the real world. In fact, many of the most notable New Agers here stronly believe in JC, and have a deep reverence for him, Don. You do know that, correct?
Don, if you are aware of PUL, as I know you are, there is no justification in trading insulting statements like these back and forth, even to make people think. "Great unwashed new age ghetto herd..." I am so tired of that, Don. I am part of the community here. I have engaged you in your thread about NDEs with an earnest, scholarly approach full of references. I did this in a friendly manner, to tell what I had found out, and to learn from you and others. Why not use your considerable wit, research and insight in talking about afterlife issues - the truth speaks for itself. Some of your responses are so heartfelt and full of grace - but these are few and far between compared to the verbal fencing laced with insults where you describe your opponent(s) as illiterate, with poor reading comprehension.
Can't you see Brendan's desparate cry for help? In one of your answers you could. He stubbornly creates thread after thread about a dark understanding of reality, the afterlife and soul annilation as the best course for a materialist like himself. Any caring person can see though that he truly wants to find another path. In only one of your responses to him do you mention a way out of this darkness - that was the key, not chiding him for his rejection of christianity. ****************** The key issue here, Doc... It is that NO known "afterlife scenario" lets ME be the ultimate decider of where I'm gonna go, and what I'm gonna be. Limitations, limitations, limitations... To me, freedom is the ONLY real good, Doc. Would I rather be annihilated than face an eternity of personal roadblocks? Most emphatically, YES!!! If I didn't think that way, hell... I'd have stayed in the Army. (I'd be up for some pretty decent bennies pretty soon, if I had..!) But I'm not a "groupie" kind of individual. I'd rather be captain of my own ship, even if it means I'd sail it into the rocks. If the traditional "God" exists, I won't be able to do that, even if I'm not doomed to eternal torture... hence my repeated misgivings about eternal life. Did that help make me more clear on this?
P.S. I don't think my seeking of after-death oblivion is a "cry for help", Doc. (I mean... what could you do for me, anyhow? If I'm doomed to torments eternal , what can YOU do about it..?) Besides, I find that when I contemplate oblivion... a deep feeling of calm and relaxation comes over me. Why should it not? I became an atheist when I was about 8 years old (my dad did a pretty good de-bunking of Christianity for me, and I will always be grateful to him for it. It wasn't until my 30's that I seriously started to freak-out about Hell, ect. - AFTER I got Internet access and began studying things metaphysical, and realized that some very smart people had some very compelling reasons to believe that we DID "survive" physical death... OBEs, NDEs, quantum physical concepts and so on...) See now, why I can be comfortable with the thought of personal annihilation? AND why the subject of the afterlife, has become an intrusive and thoroughly unpleasant item on my thought menu..?