lot of good thoughts here. I read Tim first so go with what he brings up for me.
I'm sure there was a man called Jesus and that when a man dies here he still remains what he was and is not assimilated into a wispy cloud of clone like proportion. doesn't make sense to me that I could lose myself as I know myself in whatever time period or life I undertook.
It's more like Jesus was also Buddha and many more persons of light, and since energy is industructible, nothing is lost. we are basically energy beings. our bodies are water and mineral composites..is why the body returns to the soil from which it is made. we are not these bodies.
yet continuing with Tim's line of thought..did any here consider that a thought is a thing that is alive? and that thought too does not die? then you have grid alive with all thought and sound.
so the same spirit can enter another physical housing. old timey religion calls it being reborn. a new spirit or essence enters. not talking about walk ins, but that can happen within agreement. was thinking J is part of a hierarchy which squeezes itself into a brain, to give guidance to them that called out for guidance.
When I read A Course in Miracles which made me want to live again, (channelled, J talking) it said something which caused thoughts of large versus small.
it said we are "thoughts" of god. so that made sense after awhile. holy cow, somebody thought me up!
so its back to the concepts of thoughts are things.
I think that would follow that we are talking about god "stuff." creative stuff.
the creator too is made of creative stuff, and we are made of this stuff, I like to call the light. in the old days we called it god. now we need new vocabulary.
then I fall back upon my own reflections..that of feeling like a hologram of my higher self involved in a movie, a play, because I could. that would be the only reason. the little choo choo that could. I got used to thinking of being a hologram in a movie because I found out somebody loves us up there and all of us put together are one with the force, (dont like that name either, but see how we need new labels?).
so Dude is right, his mom is right. she needs to know she is loved, and J can do a good job of that.
its love in the end which expands knowledge. my opinion. i think this was J's basic message that got warped.