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Posts: 473
Port Alberni, B.C.
No, I didn't, I found that after all I had his other books, but not that one, although my books are packed in boxes and I may have missed it in the search. But I have been practicing the vibrational state and it has been interesting. The other day I had a fairly successful OBE from the vibrational state, but I still cannot get the proper sensory thing working during the OBE trip and I am so full of anxiety that I cannot control the experience to stay in it that I don't settle into it at all. Hard to explain. I could clearly see the mountains as I passed over but after that nothing was clear. I needed to get over to Surrey to see my astral practice partner, but as soon as I get to the coast of the island I lose my vision and it becomes more imaginary. I have been practicing the Quick switch that Monroe talks about instead of actually covering the miles and entering the yard, etc. and that works somewhat better. You know, just whumping myself from one place into another without the travel in between. I've had better flying experiences while phasing, at least, it seemed to be phasing, do you remember, a retrieval I did early on when I found this Board a few months ago, the woman who was some sort of government agent, I thought she was, Kathy something, she had fallen from an extremely high cliff and died in the wilderness, when I was flying over that forest to get to where she was, I could clearly see the forest below me for miles and miles on end, I remember it so clearly. It is not always that clear. But I thought I was phasing, not in astral body, that day. Well, for all my retrievals in fact. Anyway, back to more recent stuff, I emailed my friend to tell them about the vibrational state and my OBE that day I flew over the mountains from my front porch just last week this was, and I am going to go copy/paste it here if I can in part. The book I refer to is, I think, Have an OBE in 30 days or something, two authors, it is an exercise every day for 30 days, it seems to be quite good, I am still working with it, only doing Day 8 today, I am behind all the time. I can easily now transfer my consciousness point from my physical body into my imaginary astral body as the book wants me to do. At least I guess that is progress. Before this part of the practice session, I had been doing a couple of retrievals for half an hour or so and I think that helped me to move into a better OBE practice.
"Sitting in my own lawn chair on my front porch, sunny day, sitting in shade, neighbors outside working in gardens all around, my dog beside me. I picked up my OBE book, re-read the instructions for days 2 and 3, and settled down in comfort to try to bring energy into my body from the feet up, to each part of my body, patiently I brought it in till all parts of me were the same shade of light, made it energetic and pulsing comfortably, then focussed on smells in the environment, trying to separate out my sense of smell in a variety of ways, it wasn't working too good, that part. But suddenly, sitting there with my eyes shut and my arms resting comfortably on the arms of the chair, I felt myself begin to vibrate in my hands and arms, (I did not realize this is visible, I thought the vibration was somehow not visible to others...ho ho, it is fully visible, I found at the end, what WILL the neighbors think?)and I encouraged and built on that a bit, then began to TILT physically forward out of my brain, so to speak, and I found I could control that and manage it, I knew I was leaving my body. I found I could choose to fly and immediately SAW the Vancouver Island remote and wild mountain ranges which I had once flown over in a small plane, and I encouraged myself to fly right over to the coast toward Vancouver. " Then I gave up trying to SEE which I can't do very well in astral, and I returned to my chair, pleased as punch, because I had had a genuinely PHYSICAL sensation experience OUT OF BODY, but still could not SEE my astral body yet. (However, when I am in the park, I am perfectly aware of the shape of my astral body and my clothing even, it must be the same as the astral body here, right?) I sat quietly in the chair, the dog wanted petted, right? So I put my hand out to stroke him. The arm went out, the physical arm, and I watched it with an odd feeling. It was out there stroking Rainbow, but I could not feel it. I was out of my body and could see my arm but not feel it, but i was still controlling its movements. Very strange sensation. I realized my physical vision was disturbingly vague and I definitely was not in my body properly. The fruit tree in blossom in front of me was real but not real, you know? Like a dream. The whole landscape of neighbors and yards around me was not quite real. I knew I better not jump up and go refill my coffee cup or I might stumble. I sat for a few minutes (ENORMOUSLY PLEASED) and realized that the key was, I took enough the book says to do, like Buhlman says 20 mins, half an hour, an hour etc, and he and Bulhman both ask the student to practice the exercises for lengthy periods of time and then even off and on all day in some cases. I never gave it that much time before. Anyway, that's my day's efforts and I am delighted, thrilled, utterly encouraged and I will tell you, it is REAL after all. REAL. " So that was that exercise that day, haven't had such a successful one since though and nothing I saw that day in Vancouver was validated, so I don't know what I was looking at while over there. And I suspect also that while travelling, sometimes I quick-switch without noticing, so maybe I was travelling toward Vancouver but suddenly was back in my own street looking at my neighbors, as the views I saw while I THOUGHT I was in Vancouver were very similar to my own neighborhood that day. But I was happy with the sense of actual movement and physical movement into the astral. So that's all I have been doing with it lately, Alysia, but continuing to work with the 30 day book and also Buhlman and re-reading Monroe when I can steal a few minutes. Vee