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Loosh (Read 97515 times)
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Oct 9th, 2006 at 6:44pm

In his second book "Far Journeys" Monroe told about an information-ball ("rote") he had gotten from a nonphysical friend, called "BB". BB had never been human, he came from a different system than the earth-life-system. He received this information from an entity who was guiding beings around to other places, a sort of nonphysical tourist-guide. BB asuured Monroe that it is a clear and undistorted information ball. This information-ball had much impact on Monroe, as well as on some readers. The information-ball in summary:

Loosh-rote ("Far Journeys", part 2, chapter 6) summary:
There is a special "energy" called "loosh" which is precious and wanted by some somewhere. One of them who collect this energy created a place to grow this energy: The earth. The evolution that has taken place on earth is just modifications this creator did to get more and higher quality of loosh. This was provided by animals who are fighting, during a fight for life, and when ending a life span, loosh can be harvested. But the most loosh can be gotten from the humans; the creator had implanted a part of his own into these humans. When they have feelings like lonelyness, desire, parent's love, grief etc., the highest quality distillated loosh can be harvested, which is by far better than any other raw loosh.

As he wrote, Monroe was not amused hearing this. It caused a sort of crash for him. Also I've seen some posts here showing the same reactions. It's just not nice to get known that we're created and optimized for producing loosh.

When we look at this, we don't like it to hear that this world wasn't created for humans, nor for any other life form in itself, but only for what can be gained through them. We much more like to think that every human (and other life forms, depending on what you like to believe) are, as Kant put it, never only a means for a purpose, but always also a purpose in self.

Now, when we read not only this chapter in Monroe's book but also the others, it isn't really that bad that we're just loosh producers and that was it. No.
Monroe told that nonphysical beings incarnate into a life-form on earth; the nonphysical being was not created by the loosh-garden designer. So, it's more that we're a soul who is making experiences incarnated in this loosh garden. It seems, these experiences are precious for us, and/or our I/There. If it is just a side-effect of this garden, or if this was also intended by the creator of the earth, we don't know.
Furthermore, Monroe asked the INSPEC he met regularly about this loosh-garden-info. The INSPEC didn't doubt the info, but stated that distortions are caused by the viewpoint from which it is watched from. Also, this creator is a created creator, and humans have a piece form this creator, so they also have something from that which created the creator of the earth. The INSPEC is not this earth-creator, nor a loosh-collector.
Monroe was lead by the INSPEC to the place where the loosh is brought to. It was an overwhelming experience for Monroe, the radiation of that loosh was so strong the INSPEC had to shield Monroe. So, it is a truely impressing and precious energy.
Then, there is Monroes report of his visit in the year 3000+. The population had decreased, incarnation now is totally different: The nonphysical beings can slip consciously in every thing there is on earth and return whenever they want to. Human bodies are shielded and just layed down when not needed; also they can easily produced; no technical means needed anymore. And, they stated they're loosh collectors and producers and they like it! They also "sow" loosh in the places where it's needed. Monroe didn't wrote much more about loosh production in 3000+; my own thought on this is, that people then seem to produce it CONSCIOUSLY, they control their emotions (Monroe told there was no thought-noise anymore) so that they can enjoy the loosh energy themselves.

What is loosh at all exactly? Monroe didn't write (as far as I could see, please correct me if I'm wrong!) clearly that it is identical with (super-)love, but indirectly it's clear that it is something which comes very close to (super-)love (the high-distilled pure loosh).

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Loosh
Reply #1 - Oct 10th, 2006 at 11:19am
Well, what a mouthfull for 6am and only a cup of coffee. Tongue

Thank you Spooky for taking the time to type this  post of Loosh.
Now that's a lot to read and comprehend/analyse. I'm a slow
I willl have to print/re-read this a few time, but for now it did hit a few spots and instant knowing.
It does challenge my mind though.

I do like the last part of Super Love, indirectly or not.

thank you, with love
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Re: Loosh
Reply #2 - Nov 8th, 2006 at 11:39pm
During astral projection can't we produce our own realities? A powerful visualizer can produce entire worlds from what i've read. Who's to say this information is correct some non physical entity ?
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Re: Loosh
Reply #3 - Nov 8th, 2006 at 11:56pm
Of course, I can't tell if it's true (meaning it's a fact for everyone and not only to RAM).
It is the question if in the future, when more people maybe do this sort of mind-journeys, there would be confirmation or falsification. The dilemma is, reading reports of others' mind journeys is as well
-inspiring and beneficial to look on your own, as it is like (at least at first) walking the paths another has provided through sharing it,
-influencing the experiences of the meditator.

I would appreciate if there would be a metaphysical world-system which would be confirmed from many people as independent and objective as possible. But there are inherent problems, like we don't know for sure at this point how objective reality really is- could be there isn't enough objective reality for a metaphysical system- but I don't know, so for now all we can do is explore and see if there are common patterns. In NDE experiences, there are these patterns, even from people with different belief-backgrounds.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Loosh
Reply #4 - Nov 9th, 2006 at 1:46am
I tell ya spooky this is an intresting subject though and i'd like to hear more about it.. where can i find out more about this?
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Re: Loosh
Reply #5 - Nov 9th, 2006 at 1:45pm

Is there a common pattern here between loosh and the practices of Hindu gods when they harvest/bestow prana?
To me it sounds similiar, only RAM extended the conditions for loosh production to include more emotional situations, and the Hindu gods seem to specialize in energy by-products created from sexual activity.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Loosh
Reply #6 - Nov 9th, 2006 at 6:50pm
thats interesting Bets. I haven't read anything about Hindu stuff or I might be able to comment better. but prana, I know what that is, vaguely. a type of energy generated by the emotional body, ya think? or maybe its more spiritual than phychic energy?
I seem to think in terms of emotional energy though here specifically and to think of loosh as having higher properties. the emotional body appears to be highly transient type of energy and the loosh a more substantial harvest crop if you will.
although I know emotions can be powerful conductors, such as in native type dancing and the Indians danced also as they plugged into their god or gods. prana, hmmm, now u got me thinking again. love, alysia
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Re: Loosh
Reply #7 - Nov 29th, 2006 at 3:42pm
I'm joining this thread late. I haven't heard of loosh before.

One possibility (already disscussed) is that the Inspec was giving Robert Monroe the business. If you go in the astral enough you're bound to run into a wiseguy now and then.

Another possibility is that it's true. I figure that there are all kinds of life forms in this universe.  Each life form contributes to the process of discovery in its own way.  Earth based life forms create energy (e.g., loosh) that isn't created by other life forms. We create it so that not only us and the creator get to see what loosh is about, but also so other life forms can see what it is about. When we move onto the spirit World we find out about the lessons/contributions other life forms have learned.

Just as in truth we aren't bodies, in truth we are loosh producers. These are just roles we assume for a while.

Robert Monroe and Bruce Moen have wrote other things which clearly state that there is more to who we are than simply being loosh producers.

The BB part is interesting, because I had been receiving double word combinations that lead to the letters "BB." I could never figure out what BB means, even though I was able to figure out all of the other letter combinations I have received.

As I implied above, this is all new to me, so I'm not certain what to make of at this time.
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Re: Loosh
Reply #8 - Nov 29th, 2006 at 5:49pm
I thought about this subject some more, and read some of the articles that exist on the internet (mostly chats about the subject on other forums, especially with matrix minded people).

If some race of people created us just so we can be loosh cattle, they need to find out about PUL. Much more preferable. PUL would enable them to move beyond their ignorance so they could see that you don't use other conscious beings in the way they supposedly do so.

Eventually they'll want to move towards the light, and playing the role of loosh farmers will only hinder their growth. Big deal if they can use energy to create a planet of life, if they don't understand about PUL. PUL is infinitely more precious than the ability to create a planet without love in your heart.

I posted about this at Linn's forum, just in case anybody knows about it.

This whole thing is a big apple to swallow. I'll need some solid evidence before I believe it.

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« Last Edit: Nov 29th, 2006 at 7:43pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Loosh
Reply #9 - Nov 29th, 2006 at 9:35pm
Hi recoverer,

as I said in my opener, from what I've read in Monroes second book about this subject, Loosh and PUL (I think he used not exact this term) is very close to each other, if not the same. I am not concerned about entities misusing us as simple Loosh producers. You know, I don't judge or try to find out the motivations of beings who create worlds. As the Inspec said, this Loosh-rote, as BB told it Monroe, is from a certain point of view, and then there additionally is the translation BB-Monroe in the astral-Monroe in the physical, so from the viewpoint of the big business, world creators and such (but I also suspect we, or our higher self, are big business too, look, the Inspec shielded Monroe from the incredible Loosh energy, so it's a real biggie, and the Inspec turned out later to be one of Monroes I/there members, if not Monroes future self), it's certainly something different than a human-style exploitation story.

Allright recoverer, I'll have a look at Linns, thanks for the input! Hey what about to put Monroes books on your christmas wish list? Hmm, but you don't need them really I guess...but I like them.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Loosh
Reply #10 - Nov 30th, 2006 at 1:47pm

My first mistake was to do an internet search on the matter after first reading about it on this thread. There are a number of people who have misapplied Monroe's loosh experience to support their pet theories/boogie man stories.

I read what Robert wrote about loosh as soon as I arrived home last night.

This is what I've come up with. I don't know how much of it is true.

There is a being or beings that don't have the mental ability to create emotional energy like we do. Because of this they feel a lot of emptiness. The means they were using weren't sufficient to their needs, so they created life on the planet earth.

I had a dream last night that I believe relates. The divine powers that be weren't initially willing to allow the loosh farmers to do what they wanted to do, but then they saw that in the end the divinity/Christ consciousness in each of us would come through, even if we had to take some lumps along the way.

The loosh farmers do what they do "not" because they're intentionally manevolent. They do so because they don't know any better and are trying to survive.  The key is that they can't create emotional energy all on their own. They are dependent on what we create. They drink according to need.  As we evolve and create more and more PUL, they'll have no choice but to drink PUL. This will cause them to spiritually evolve along with us.

It is a mistake to think of ourselves as slaves, because we aren't forced to incarnate into this physical World, and who we are can't be permanently defined according to what we experience while here, even though we might get stuck in a negative belief system for a while if we get confused in an unfortunate way.

I also believe that it is possible that our way of doing things is a rarity. Most life forms in the universe don't go through the harshness we go through here on earth.  Other beings in the universe learn about harsh possibilities through us.

In a way, as far as we're concerned, it doesn't make a difference if the loosh story is true. If life is harsh down here, it doesn't become better simply by the loosh story not being true. Plus I don't believe that the loosh farmers have control over the spiritual part of ourselves.
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Re: Loosh
Reply #11 - Nov 30th, 2006 at 5:47pm

I don't want to turn the conversation here, but my guidance just did a very insistent dance on my skull when you said:

"There is a being or beings that don't have
the mental ability to create emotional energy
like we do. Because of this they feel a lot of emptiness.
The means they were using weren't sufficient to their needs,
so they created life on the planet earth."

Is that from one particular source or an interpretation of many or from a direct line to Cosmic Consciousness or ----? I would capitalize beings; does that change what you said? Are we allowed to think like that without retribution?  Who are you, sir?  Shocked

So should I take it that you are of the mind that we are just passing through, tourists rather than children of a lesser god.
And this ol planet, with its amazing varieties of material matters,
is a slightly askew experiment that serves as a teaching lab?

So They made all this stuff and invite us to make more of it and from it, all to help cover Their emotional emptiness? That would make someone who says they are a housecleaner to be really a soul guide through the clutter we've helped create. And along the way They pull off what vibes they can of our emotional energies?  Please excuse me for being redundant but I'm just trying to get this straight in my consciousness.

So on another plane / in another life, we will have more love and emotions to share, but our surroundings will be simplified and energy-filled because not so much of true energy has been drained off?

So when we say (if we do) "this place sucks" we're actually speaking of a spiritual truth?

Leapin' Lucifer! the goths are right!

Betson, confounded

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Loosh
Reply #12 - Nov 30th, 2006 at 6:25pm
Betson, I DON'T KNOW what's true on this matter.

For the most part I've considered Robert Monroe to be a good source of information.  Don't know enough about BB to know if he is trustworthy. The INSPEC Robert spoke to seems to be a trustworthy fellow, and he sort of confirmed what BB said. BB just didn't get the whole story straight.

I don't like to think that PUL/love is limited to what we create down here. Other sources speak of love as being prior to anything we do down here. My feeling is that PUL/love is much more grand and dynamic than the emotions we create down here. My experiences of divine love indicate more than a mere emotion. When we open up to love we are able to act with true wisdom that takes the happiness of other beings into consideration. Emotions like hate and fear aren't anything like that. Love enables us to cherish each other and view each other as precious and beautiful. Other emotions aren't like that.

If the loosh story is true, it might be like I say. One key point to remember is that Robert Monroe's book states that the loosh creator was created by another creator (God?) just like our spirits were. Therefore, we aren't speaking of an inately evil being. We're speaking of a being or beings that hadn't gotten around to knowing a better way.

I wouldn't worry, because our spirits can't be permanently touched by what happens down here.  Plus, the key thing is that this difficult and often unloving World exists regardless of what caused it to be.  
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« Last Edit: Nov 30th, 2006 at 7:48pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Loosh
Reply #13 - Nov 30th, 2006 at 8:59pm
Greetings recoverer,

I'd like to remove that recent post of mine, but to do so would leave your response with no 'catalyst.'  I was too excited because
What you said about these Beings seems to me to be a unifying field theory for the field of spirit. That seems like quite an accomplishment!
The OT (?) story of the fallen archangel Lucifer fits it; the Hindu demi-gods fit it; the Zen meditations to just zone out and not play this game fits it; RAM's loosh fits. It's like the same godly beings are just known by different names but are playing the same role.
I 'knew' there was One Creator Force, but the next level down I thought was more divided, but with the way you explain about the beings it all comes together.

Many thanks,
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Loosh
Reply #14 - Dec 1st, 2006 at 1:18pm

I don't believe in lucifer fallen angel stories.  They just don't add up.

From a Biblical perspective, lucifer is first mentioned in Isaiah. BUT, BUT, not in the original Hebrew version. The Hebrew version only speaks of a fallen king of Babylonia. A physical person. Not an angel. Fallen angel language was added in the 4th century, along with eternal damnation language.

If the people who come up with this fallen angel business ever visited a heavenly realm, they would know that fallen angel business makes no sense at all.  Heavenly realms aren't anything like the physical World. They are permeated with God's love and truth. There isn't anything there to corrupt a spirit. People go bad in the physical World because they have a hard time finding the love, happiness, peace and sense of self worth they inwardly yearn for. These qualities are found quite effortlessly in heavenly realms, so there is no need for a spirit to go astray and become evil. When I've experienced divine love I felt so much humility and gratitude, it would be impossible to go astray like a fallen angel supposedly does.

Plus God is the infinite power from which everything comes. Anything he creates, no matter how big, is finite in comparision. Certainly an angel in heaven would know God well enough to know that it would be absolutely ridiculous to try to stand up against God. It would be like a wave trying to stand up to the ocean of which it is a miniscule part, or a flame caused by a match trying to pick a fight with the sun. The problem is that some people believe that God is an old man who sits on a thrown like a king and can be taken over like a king. Ridiculous.

If somehow, for some peculiar reason, an angel did start to become confused to the point where it would fall, certainly God and the other beings of light that exist in a heavenly realm would realize this and come to this angels aid. It wouldn't be like an unsuspected coup on the physical realm. If an angel did somehow manage to go bad, its vibrational rate would go down and it would end up in a lower realm. This would make it powerless to do anything against beings who vibrate at a higher level, and it couldn't return to a heavenly realm until it got rid of the confusion that caused its vibrational rate to go down.

If an angel created by God could mess up, then what would stop any spirit from making the same mistake after it goes to heaven? Isn't heaven supposed to be a place of eternal peace and love?

There might be some confused earthbound spirits that are against their "concept" of God, and even some spirits in hell like realms that are also opposed to their "concept" of God. Just like there are physical people who are against their "concept" of God. I wrote "concept" of God, because it impossible for a person/spirit to be opposed to what God actually is. Such confused souls are powerless to do anything significant. The most they could do is try to influence a person who already shares a similar state of mind. Even if the loosh story is true, such a being couldn't do anything to us on the spiritual level.

I woke up last night and realized that the loosh story was still sort of bugging me.  The song "He's (God) got the whole World in his hands" started running through my mind. I believe this was a divine message meant to comfort me. God always has the upper hand.

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