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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Moving back toward the central issue, genetic factors, the discussion has demonstrated several interesting things thus far, things that precisely exemplify the genesis of both ourselves and our context.
Starting with human experiences, we tell others about what happened, and they take our remarks, add their own experiences and repeat them. Eventually, certain topics appear in a consistent manner. Others put these into settings by which they are more easily expressed, and myths are born. Myths generally carry characteristic ideas that our culture espouses. Some are useful, some are not. Eventually, the useful ideas prevail because they pay off. Those ideas eventually get embodied in customs and flokways, and then in traditions and regulations. Thus, our social world is a genetic laboratory of perpetual testing and replacement.
In the same way, given a social setting, we have various physical and mental traits. Just as ecological systems evolve in which certain insects pollinate certain flowers etc, we grow into our social context and attempt to fit in sufficiently to build a good life. Physical and mental factors that fail to pay off are rejected as we choose superior options. In reincarnation, we carry the problems of the past into those choices, seeking to find a better way to live, and making the process of personal growth a part of the selection process.
Our mental, physical and social life is shaped and guided by genetic selections at every level, and where we start is the outcome of millennia of comparisons and choices made socially, chemically, physically, mentally, and spiritually. These circumstances define our starting point by cause and effect, and by conditioning as we learn to become social human beings. After that, contextual influences slowly recede as we grow, until finally we face questions for which there are many equiprobable choices that have never before been faced. This is the expanding wavefront of reality, viewed from inside where we deal with it.
Accepting that we are all manifestations of God, the expanding wavefront of reality for us is also the expanding wavefront of reality for God. As we make decisions and solve problems, we act in the stead of God. Edgar Cayce referred to this as being "co-creators with God". In this role we have whatever information we can glean, whatever education we have experienced, whatever experiences we have endured, plus whatever study we make in order to get more information and advice. After that, we have free will to choose what to do next. And that expands the universe by one more decision.
From this perspective, genetics seem to be the objectified selective aspect of karma, simple cause and effect through which we evolve. In fact, we can see this thread leading to this (or an equivalent) conclusion. As Mr Spock would put it, "Fascinating!"