My greatest fear, Bob? Pshaw!!!!!!!! I eat fear for breakfast!
Just kidding....
mmmhhhh....I guess, that people won't like me....but I know they do....
well, okay, maybe that I won't get up early enough in the morning....
no,,,,well, maybe heights? a little? okay, I'm a sucker in an airplane, but only for a few minutes
mmmmhh...I guess, maybe if my jokes might fall a little flat? That REALLY bothers me. Because I don't have a whole lot of them. And that bothers me even more....
No worries. You know, you read a lot of Cr@#p and hear a lot of Cr@#p (okay, two a's there, don't bother me about it), but it's all Cr@#p.
We have no worries when we are truly alive, because there is only this moment, and it's all so beautiful. Wherever you are, you have someone to love, even yourself.
What could be better than that? (in the words of one wise sage I know)
love, blink