mediastreamer wrote on Aug 31st, 2006 at 1:15am:Are there beings out there that have so much contempt for anything good that they would feel the need to attack and prevent a healing?
There are all kinds of beings of all kinds of natures with all kinds of issues. You can read more about some of these beings and their interactions with intraphysical humans, in
these excerpts from 3 books on this subject (of spirit releasement).
Quote:What you connected with was most likely the other person's self-hatred that was causing her disease.
It might be that alone, or just as possibly, *as well as* an intrusive entity with whom the subject had difficulties and/or karmic issues with. You see (and this is important for *everyone* to realize), as within, so without. This might be seen as one aspect of the 'law of attraction', or the principle of energetic resonance.
The reality is that it is seldom (or perhaps never) the simplified scenario of purely within (wholly internal and/or symbolic of self), nor seldom (or perhaps never) the simplified scenario of purely without (ie. Matthew's "the devil made me do it, I'm so not responsible! I was helplessly possessed!"). Because of the extremely complex, dynamic and open manner of interactions on all levels, psychic and energetic, between consciousnesses and beings of all levels, natures and types, coexisting in a interlinked, interconnected collective reality (in which each consciousness exists on the border of relativity between subjectivity and objectivity), it should surprise no one, that intrusion (including the factual, undeniable and strong exacerbative influence of intrusive energies on one's actions, behaviour and therefore karma; of which Matthew understandably takes issue with; but it is really no more outrageous than the similar influence of intraphysical delinquent company on a teenager), is almost always the result of the clapping of two hands - internal and external.
That is to say, no one is an innocent victim of intrusion, and most importantly, no one is a helpless victim of intrusion. Yes, there are intruders (ie. external entities intruding, attaching, possessing), this is an undeniable reality. But this (fact) by itself isn't the problem. It's a situation, much like physical and biological disease. Natural, only in that it is indicative of an imbalance away from the higher natural, ie. the more ideal state of health.
To answer your question more directly then,
Quote:Are there beings out there that have so much contempt for anything good that they would feel the need to attack and prevent a healing?
Yes, there are. But again, they are not by themselves the real problem. The real problem (as far as your own self-responsibility is concerned) is when you give in to the False Evidence Appearing as Real (FEAR), and you fear them. This is foolish, because in truth you have nothing to fear. Because as far as you're concerned, your own karma, your own energies, your own soul, your own universe is concerned, you are the No.1 most powerful being in *your* universe, infinitely more powerful than any external extraphysical being, whether they be intrusive or helpful/guiding, the less-helpful "negative entity / dark force entity / demonic" or the more evolved helpful "beings of light / angelic / archangelic / evolutionary orientors / council of elders / ascended masters / Serenissimus", etc.
Kathy wrote :
Quote:Perhaps demons, dark entities, etc. exist because we have believed in them through a lack of explanation and understanding.
Quite right. It is also exactly as Eckhart Tolle said, in Augoeideian's signature,
Quote:A stone is also God, but it doesn't know it. And precisely because it doesn't know it, it is a stone.
These have been labelled "demonic", "dark force entities" or "negs", not only because, and not so much because, of the lack of understanding, clarity and love from people who coin these terms, but more directly, from the lack of understanding, clarity and self-love from these beings *themselves*.
While different authors or people might have been referring to somewhat different classes of beings in their use of such labels (for instance, these usually do not refer to human souls regardless of degree of corruption, but (usually referring to) other non-human beings, energies of consciousnesses who have never been human, of varying 'malevolence', which is really nothing more than a lack of self-love; for instance, the 'dark brothers' or 'fallen angels' who were originally from the angelic group, not the human group; or other similarly extremely (relatively speaking, of course) 'dark' or coarse vibrationed entities from other parts of the galaxy that intrude on, possess or control various 'malevolent' extraterrestrial groups, etc; to the relatively sub-human, low-level, annoying little 'negs' that Robert Bruce speaks of, some of these have been created by negative thoughtforms and negative thosenes (thoughts, sentiments and energies) of humans and other sentient beings; or the neutral 'psycho-viruses' or 'karmic homunculi' that have been created to serve the execution of negative karma, etc; a wide range of beings exist, that have been accurately or inaccurately labelled "negative entity", "dark force entity" or "demonic"); but...
... But herein when we get to the fundamental and essential bottomline of things, it is as we have said it before (by many people here, including Dave and Gordon Phinn), when you get right down to the crux of it,
There are *no* such thing as a real "demon" or "dark entity", only a being which due to lack of clarity and self-love, falsely and in confusion imagines itself or its nature to be "demonic" or "dark".
As Dave, William Baldwin, Edith Fiore, Louise Ireland Frey and all other practicing clinical psychologists who assist via various spirit releasement methods, have invariably found without exception in the course of their work, all entities, human or non-human, no matter how confused or fearful, no matter how deep the intrusion or complex the nesting (ie. intrusion within intrusion within intrusion, etc); will have within its core, within its seed, within its most fundamental essence of being, of soul, of its existence, the spark of Light. The spark of God. The spark of Oneness with All-That-Is, with the entire Cosmos.
The 'Turning' of any (entity who in confusion imagined itself to be a) 'dark one', is always a deeply moving, powerful moment, in which the cloak of shadows is cast off and a whole new life, existence and journey of light begins. (See
"Healing Lost Souls" pages 90 - 91).
(Note : Internet Explorer will scale down the image; mouse cursor over the bottom right of the image, and click to enlarge to original size).
Quote:Looking back on this experience I feel bad that I didn't take on this fight and actually heal this person.
So ideally, you would, in that situation, realize that you have absolutely nothing to fear from such an energy of hatred (regardless of whether it was merely the patient's own hatred or an intrusive one), because you are far far more powerful than any extraphysical being; and you would instead of 'fighting it' (a polemic approach which would be akin to 'fighting for peace' or 'f**king for virginity'; it simply doesn't work), you would invoke the assistance of the guides, helpers, technicians, angels and other beings of light that specialize in the deintrusion and releasement process, and working collaboratively with them, invite both the intraphysical patient/subject as well as, if appropriate and if the guides/helpers communicate such, the intrusive, confused, 'dark' entity of 'hatred' or 'anger', which is really nothing more than 'pain' and 'suffering' and lack of self-love, to practice clarification (see the
Work of Byron Katie; an essential read for all beings intraphysical and extraphysical alike!), to release the fear (false evidence appearing as real) and the confusion, and to clarify it with, and into, Love.
Once the releasement process is complete, the healing of the physical/medical aliment can proceed more efficiently and effectively without psychic/energetic disturbance. In some cases the releasement by itself is sufficient to heal the medical difficulty.
But it is always strongly recommended, that the diet be changed to a healthy one. The environment in today's 'modernized', industralized world, is highly toxic, biochemically speaking. This is why viruses and bacteria, whom are evolutionary speaking our helpers, are forced to 'cause disease', where in reality there are only assisting in the detoxification process.
Cooked foods, particularly fats/oils and proteins, present in milk, vegetables and meat, cause health difficulties when ingested. This is because
1) cooked fats store toxins, instead of cleansing the body tissues (as raw fats do).
2) carcinogenic compounds (eg. nitrosamines) are created in the denaturation of proteins and the heating of fats/oils past body temperature.
3) the human body, like all animals, are unable (naturally) to work effectively with the altered biochemistry of cooked foods.
The paragpraphs above may seem as if a digression in this thread, but where physical aliments or medical conditions are concerned, regardless of the karmic nature or intrusive associations if any, the physical/biochemical basis must simultaneously be looked at, for a wholistic and effective healing.
Those interested in healthy foods, see the work of "
Aajonus Vonderplanitz", and Hilarion's comments on this.
Those further interested in my views and further materials on these and many other subjects, please be welcomed to visit my website :, Love and Prosper!