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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
While on the way to go home to my baked tofu and (not limburger, I prefer sharp cheddar) and rice, I stopped to read the tail end of the tale of lower plain spirits. Docs remarks about use of delta tones and dark energies stood out to me.
I used to be a hippie , until a kind and understanding judge gave me the choice between a long vacation at State expense and getting a paying job, as a result of which I eventually returned to the real world, more or less. However, in the interval between there were years of dark entities.
I class them into four genera, following others in the field: (1) quasi-stable vortices of mindless energy, supported by feedback provided by the host. These often feel like urges, aches and pains, habits, stray thoughts and so on. (2) Self directed energies, like the previous, except that the feedback mechanisms are internalized so that some degree of choice is possible. These usually come across as urges to do dumb things, like getting drunk and smoking pot in public (a fairly sure way of getting a weekend in the slammer). Many young people who have not as yet acquired discrimination and reflective judgement, as well as sociopaths and others with defective logical apparatus are prone to these. (3) Spiritual beings with normal capacities, but whose bodies have fallen off. These become the entities that attach themselves to us and others. Mostly they are driven by an intense existential dread of being annihilated by a brutal and vengeful God. They sek experiences that prove that they have life and existence. (4) Embodied spirits who have problems with mental health in general, often found in my waiting room, and in the recliners of other therapists.
The surest way to acquire a dark entity is to go into an unfamiliar state without adequate preparation, so that there are tag ends of guilt, blame, anger, hatred, fear, or other self-defeating dark emotions. This happens in two ways. The usual way is Doc's example, trying a new technique, and discovering that it reached farther than expected, so that new psychic territory had opened up. This is always a problem with young yogis who develop meditative skills that raise kundalini long before they are ready to control it, and is why gurus caution us that meditation and yoga are serious business. Generally, these entities are rather like the worms and bugs that are briefly exposed when a field is plowed, and they quickly retreat, or get sent away by sheer lack of acceptance.
A second way to open new territory is to go to a place in which there is intense psychic activity, a graveyard is a typical example, and go to sleep, take drugs (often a bad scene), get drunk (really a bad scene!), or practice Chod (a ritual of self sacrifice in which the soul and body are dedicated to the demons as food). I attended a conference on the Queen Mary a couple years ago and was haunted by a group of hildren and teens who insisted that I stay there to play with them. They were there for three nights, and they bugged my wife as well, after which we moved to a nice hotel that had no such problems. Outside the cabin door we had a small spot in which there was an intense smell, as if someone had burned the rug, but half a foot to any side, it vanished.
While doing hippie things I took LSD and discovered that the primary action of the drug was to speed up everything, but to remove controls over the stuff circulating through my head, so that it opened new windows into the unknown. New ideas flowed in, but so did a lot of flies and assorted demonic energies. I eventually got used to denying them the ability to cause me harm, despite the fact that they might be eating me, or that I had somehow taken a wriong turn and wound up in the third circle of hell.
The bottom line is that these are forces that have life, but they are not true parasites, not even at their worst. When they actually attain the ability to cause physical harm, they also take on some kind of embodiment that limits them. Otherwise, they remain spiritual, and as such, they can live only in the places within the mind where personal ideas and their sense of identity overlap. As a result, they are always t our mercy to drive them away. Even the fringe dwellers who attempt to embody themselves in cold spots (regions in which the Brownian motion of air is reduced in order to allow them to find alignment that can support their energies) are liable to getting trapped by magnetic fields, or dissipated by introduction of ions into the air, as by burning something like sage, or alcohol poured over a basin of salt etc.
While on the topic, I caution everyone to be wary of drugs. I speak from experience. Even though I have a medically approved California "Cannabis Card" that allows me to puff a bit at night for sleep and a few other issues, and despite decades of exposure, I still churn up a few spooks every so often. The very simple meditative methods that Bruce uses are fully as effective as LSD, providing that ne learns and applies them. The difference is that with LSD you can't turn it off, and you are always slightly "altered" by the drug, usually more emotionally sensitive, making it vastly more difficult to turn away dark energies that use fear o survive. If you want more bang for the buck", the various audio tone systems, hemi-sync, and similar methods are excellent (try Bruce's tapes!) and for the really adventurous, meditative hypnosis with a trusted guide will take you farther than any drug.
As for the unwanted spooks - the simplest approach is to deny them space in your world. This is not a case of handling them directly, but of "willing them not to have existence there", more or less as Bruce would put it. My world contains no maleavolent entities, and if any should attempt to enter, they will notice that there is no space for them They do not occur here. Often I watch them bounce off around the fringes of my space, but I have to intentionally seek after them if I want to see spooks.
I also use a meditation in which I return to the Source, and identify with the voidness in which there is only the potential God-force, which means that everything collapses into oneness, and the oneness is God-ness. This is a normal meditation for yogis (nirvastarka samadhi) that operates very well, since it either excludes other beings, or it consolidates them back into their Creator. Given that, it is safe to offer entities a chance to "ride along with me, if you don't like going into the Light", which has solved a few of my more difficult entity evictions. However, at the same time, it seems to have put me in touch with a lot of physicists whose energies occasionally seem to channel themselves through me in the form of new ideas, solutions to difficult math and so on.
Forive me for running on and on - time for lunch. I actually LIKE baked tofu!
PUL to all- dave