gosh u posted this in August and here it is April and I'm sorry, I didn't see it I don't think?
some good questions:
Many of us however grew up with repeated warnings that 'curiosity killed the cat.'
you're right, children can be taught to squelch their natural curiosity..this could have an effect in their adult life. maybe there's two levels of curiosity, one is surface questioning and one is furrowed brow contemplating which causes an intention, which in turn causes the astral body to go in search of the satisfaction of the curiosity.
Do you see a relationship between PUL and curiosity?
I'd have to think on that. not right off hand. they both seem to be motivators though.
again, I see PUL sometimes in a degree by degree thing, but I see curiosity and PUL as energetic compounds, I see PUL as satisfying curiosity totally; at least in the moment or length of period it is experienced.
Do you have ways to increase or encourage your own curiosity?
I think I'd rather increase a zest for living. lol. sounds like a soap commercial?
How do you rate curiosity in relation to other qualities necessary for life?
not sure, as for a comparison, I keep trying to see the opposite of curiosity and I don't think there is an opposite...so it could be very important then.
how did lack of curiosity hurt your art career?
btw, thats funny you answered yourself
risk taking is a good subject to consider in terms of curiosity.
I think I know what you're trying to say but its hard to put in words, that seers or people who "see" things about others, it can seem rude to mention to them, maybe too personal and, you know you have good intentions, and assume others will know this too, but we can't make assumptions in communication that they want what you are trying to give away.
it might be better to be curious when all the senses are active if you are a personable person, meaning, more can be communicated in voice than on pen, less assumptions are made then.
well I'm not sure where we can go with this in relationship to Bruce's experience. ok just reread about PUL awakening curiosity, probably that's like an expansion of mental clarity could be likened to motivation increase, more like a fueling up process perhaps.
love, alysia