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Wooo-aaahhh again (Read 10428 times)
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Wooo-aaahhh again
Aug 21st, 2006 at 10:45am
The group activity of energizing the crystal at TMI-F27 has similarities to aspects of some individual meditations, partnered Tantric yoga, Reiki, and other spiritual practice.
In what ways are these spiritual practices comparable? 
Shocked wooo-aaahh!
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Touching Souls
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Re: Wooo-aaahhh again
Reply #1 - Aug 21st, 2006 at 2:18pm
If I'm not mistaken, the crystal is already and has always been energized. It's the people at the crystal who are being energized by the crystal. At least this is the way I've always done it both at the crystals at TMI in the physical, in the non-physical and at 'my place' in focus 27 where I have a lot of crystals that I use to energize myself.
Going into the crystals is what really energizes us. Wink

Love, Mairlyn
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Re: Wooo-aaahhh again
Reply #2 - Aug 22nd, 2006 at 11:43am
Thanks, Mairlyn Smiley

This also relates to Bruce's reply on Cosmic's thread ' Undiscovered Discoveries.--

Quartz crystals have alot of parallel energy channels, like humans , mammals, trees etc do.' Settting quartz upright gets these energy channels in tune with 'north.' Human polarity is to the north. I wonder if the arm movement you do in the Woo--aahh dance unites human and quartz energies? Perhaps you enhance each other?

Reiki, Tantra, and some other spiritual practices also emphasise unblocking these channels and establishing polarity, allowing energies to rise to enlightenment.

Perhaps we come through life as a cohesive energy form, as Bruce says, but we can intensify the energy and get rid of what scientists call the Brownian jiggle thru these spiritual practices? Then with our cleared, organized polarized energy fields, we are more capable of transmitting PUL?
We can overcome the more randomized field of energy / gravity by our polarization?And we are lighter, even to the point of being able to fly?! or at least our soul can when it slips out the top.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Wooo-aaahhh again
Reply #3 - Jan 16th, 2007 at 12:18am
betson wrote on Aug 22nd, 2006 at 11:43am:
Thanks, Mairlyn Smiley

This also relates to Bruce's reply on Cosmic's thread ' Undiscovered Discoveries.--

Quartz crystals have alot of parallel energy channels, like humans , mammals, trees etc do.' Settting quartz upright gets these energy channels in tune with 'north.' Human polarity is to the north. I wonder if the arm movement you do in the Woo--aahh dance unites human and quartz energies? Perhaps you enhance each other?

Reiki, Tantra, and some other spiritual practices also emphasise unblocking these channels and establishing polarity, allowing energies to rise to enlightenment.

Perhaps we come through life as a cohesive energy form, as Bruce says, but we can intensify the energy and get rid of what scientists call the Brownian jiggle thru these spiritual practices? Then with our cleared, organized polarized energy fields, we are more capable of transmitting PUL?
We can overcome the more randomized field of energy / gravity by our polarization?And we are lighter, even to the point of being able to fly?! or at least our soul can when it slips out the top.

 ...hmmm Ah So i see Wink    Yah, i agree there Bets, and well said.   To me Quartz crystal is kind of the physical represenation of White Light energy/consciousness.   White Light is of course the perfect blend and balance of all the major individual tones and frequencies, White Light represents perfect hamonization of all different parts within the Whole.   Tis the glue and basis of Consciousness and of the Universe.

 White Light is also PUL.  

 Quartz crystals are a powerful resonating device, it can potentially increase and balance an energy expotentially.  Clear quartz is clear in every sense of the word, pure, pure like the White Light.  

  Matter seems to be Light energy condensed to a very slow vibratory frequency, and with a less fluid pattern.  

  I believe the ultimate goal of every physically incarnate human is to convert their matter back again into pure energy.  This implies both a bodily and consciousness process.   Yeshua was the first to acheive this in the physical.    His consciousness band was so wide, and his inner frequecies so strong and fast vibrating, he "unlocked" or released the energy potential in the matter of his physical body.  

  Some theorize that this process after his physical death is what caused the image on the Shroud of Turin.  Conjecture, but interesting...

 They have done  scientific studies with the White Light in a vacuum environment, and have found that in the right conditions certain kinds of matter will seemingly "explode" in a flash of Light, but yet with no heat or sound.  This matter seems to miraculously "leave" this dimension and enter into another.

 These involve super high spin state elements in the Platinium group (especially super spin state gold element).  They have anti-gravity properties, as well as being super conductors of energy.  

   People can do this too!   If you have enough Love in your Heart and consistently/constantly hold that At-One-Ment, you too could "transform" your physical vehicle to that of a Light vehicle again, which then has properties both of Spirit and matter (but not limited by space time at all).  

  Physical flying?  That's just the tip of the ice berg. Wink   For this too happen, our polarities, our yin/yang, feminine/masculine, water/fire, Heart/Head energies/polarities, have to completely merge.  

  This is why when Monroe visited the some 1800 year old "He/She" (the most spiritually mature person living in our space/time), Monroe perceived that He/She was both male and female in one.  At times being a bit more male or female, but yet with a perfect background balance.   Passive/receptive/feeling and active/expressive/projective/doing.  

 This is an emotional-mental-spiritual/consciousness process, but also a physical process to some extent.   The body physical temple, must be strong and in accord/harmony with the mental and spiritual aspects of a person for this too completely happen!   Do not treat your body like you are a hog who lives for temporal pleasure and expect to Ascend.

 The body also must become balanced with its polarities, and a balance between an acid and alkaline state consistently created.   Acid and alkaline are also related to the Yin--Yang polarities but on a physical level.  Acid being positive yang energy, and alkaline being negative (not in a moral sense, but energy wise) yin  receptive state.  

  Most people's bodies are much to acid.  Interestingly enough, it seems that most human waste by-products and toxins tend to be acid in nature, i.e. positively charged in nature.   We need a greater amount of alkaline reacting foods (especially live ones) and emotional states of being (meditation is primarily alkaline reacting for example) to help balance this.  

 I've had yet another dream about and more prompting from guidance concerning, "mummy Food slow poke!" (and about meditation too).  And yet i still don't listen or more importantly don't act.  Roll Eyes  I think sometimes they kind of forget what it is like to be an incarnate human. Tongue Angry Shocked  Lol or maybe they weren't as lazy as i tend to be, all that Venusian energy i got (Libra Moon, Venus in the 7th house, Sun in Taurus decant of Capricorn, etc.)..

 So WoooAhhh On, and AhhhOmm too.   Shoot for zero point, for the balancing merger nul state, onward ho.

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Focus 69
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Re: Wooo-aaahhh again
Reply #4 - Apr 29th, 2017 at 10:41am
Sorry for the up but i have three questions about this " Wooo-aaahhh ritual";

1/ Can we make the dance without the crystal just like that and still having the huge effect from it ?

2/ Is there a minimum persons threshold to practice this dance ?

3/ What crystal do you advise for that dance ?

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Re: Wooo-aaahhh again
Reply #5 - May 28th, 2017 at 8:58pm
Focus 69 wrote on Apr 29th, 2017 at 10:41am:
Sorry for the up but i have three questions about this " Wooo-aaahhh ritual";

1/ Can we make the dance without the crystal just like that and still having the huge effect from it ?

2/ Is there a minimum persons threshold to practice this dance ?

3/ What crystal do you advise for that dance ?


If I'm understanding your question #1, yes you can use the crystal nonphysically and still get the effect.
I had an amazing nonphysical experience with the nonphysical crystal last year!

In September 2016 Bruce was back in Colorado for his second workshop that year.  This one was a 5-day combined workshop of Partnered Exploration & Self Exploration, Discovery, and Self Healing.  The very last exercise we did that week was the most powerful one for me. 

For preparation for each exercise, we as a group nonphysically would meet at the crystal and gather energy from it.  Something different happened to me during this last exercise...while I was imagining being at the crystal, love energy began beaming from the crystal to me, right into my chest.  I wasn't pretending this to happen, just observing that that's what was happening.  The beam continued aiming right into my chest. 

During the next part of the exercise as I followed along to Bruce's guiding us through it, I began to physically feel the sensation of that energy beaming into my chest right at my heart level.  It was the feeling of pressure and a filling-up feeling inside me.  It filled me up to my throat and I could hardly stand the pressure anymore.  Like I said, I experienced it as a physical sensation.  I wanted so badly to stand up, to end it, to tell everyone what was happening to me.  It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but it was intense.  But I knew it must be something special since I was able to experience it this intensely, so I just allowed it to happen.

Just before the end of that exercise, the same feeling and experience happened again, but this time the pressure feeling came in through the top of my head.  I could FEEL IT!!  I'd say it was a tubular shape about an inch in width coming in through the top of my head and giving me the same building pressure sensation all the way to my heart level.  It was so strong.  I felt as if it was pushing my body and I was physically moving and expanding.  I completely expected Bruce to tell me later that he saw me moving around a lot and wondered what was going on.  Of course it was all nonphysical.

My experience was very personal to me.  The last exercise was about discovering our primal fear, and as it turned out mine is about not feeling loved or able to receive enough love and that some belief of mine is blocking me from it.  (Pretty profound!  And here I thought my primal fear was spiders  Roll Eyes ha ha)

My Guidance was the one responsible for giving me the experience of the love energy shooting from the crystal into my heart and filling me up. 

It would have been just pretty neat if the whole experience was something I experienced only in my imagination, but for me to feel it as a physical sensation made it very, very incredible.  I cried a lot that evening later on, and for several days afterward I was having a big belief system crash which was very uncomfortable.  Honestly I haven't done that exercise again since, but I will and I recommend it.  Everyone has a different experience so I don't mean to make it sound scary. 

I've had other amazing experiences using crystals, both nonphysical and physical.  I really do believe they have special properties.  I have several different types of crystals at home, but I prefer a clear quartz most I think.


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Focus 69
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Re: Wooo-aaahhh again
Reply #6 - May 29th, 2017 at 1:36pm
Thanks so much Vicky for this testimony !!
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