In Voyages into the Afterlife I wrote a little about interviewing a worker at the Planning Center regarding the Earth Changes, and that he explained they are about large reductions in earth's population due to ecosystem collapse, pages 119-120.
"The cause is indulgence in the emotional energy of greed. Consumption of Earth's resources has been accelerating, primarily not for direct use, but rather for the accumulation of wealth. That, coupled with an extremely large human population, is pushing the ecosystem toward collapse."
Those of you who would like to get a feel for what I meant might find Al Gore's new movie, Inconvenient Truth, to be a real eye opener. I sure did when I saw it yesterday!
What Gore describes, and has evidently been talking about for a number of years, fits with most everything I wrote about the darker side of the Earth Changes. It looks like we human beings are directly responsible for where planet Earth as an ecosystem is headed, and it ain't pretty. We as human beings can still have a positive impact. But our opposition is the greedier members of our race who continue to persue short term gain (wealth) without regard to longer term consequences.
Looks like the Planning Center worker I was interviewing was right. Looks like many of us are going to be sitting on the sidelines in our afterlife for quite some time waiting for Earth's recovery (if that's possible) and for physical lifetime slots on earth to once again become available.
Too bad, I kinda like this place. Oh well