Put differently, its all about mind, about thought, about perception - not about different dimensions and realms. This is why, in my opinion concentration on the afterlife or OOBE can lead one astray. Keep it simple. At our core, our essence is pure perception. Tim, this is what you are getting at, where relaxation will take you - being in the moment.
Our minds are creative and powerful. I believe that Cosmic's link to Buddhist notions of being mindful is important. One of the greatest realizations I have had in the past few years is that the mind is constantly creating in the physical plane. When we change our focus from the physical in death, the creative power is manifest much more directly - this is what TMI calls Focus 27 - and sounds almost magical. However, nothing has really changed. Living in the earth, while willingly bound by shared common universal laws, we have the ability to impress our deepest thoughts upon our unconscious. Invariably, they manifest into our perception. Some have called this phenomenon the "law of mind," and it has been known in various circles by shamans, healers, self-help gurus for centuries. It seems too easy, or too good to be true. It is the basis for "reap what you sow," and the golden rule, as well as karma.
Control your thoughts - this sounds artificial and forced - I don't like the phrase. I prefer "know yourself." Once you know of the power of the mind, the nature of intent and the connection of our shared subconscious to our thought and the creative power that is present, you are moving in the right direction. Love over fear. Assistance to others, loss of ego based decision making, all are a natural outflow of a deep understanding of the naature of mind and the creative power tied to thought.
So I worry less about the location of the spirit world. I focus in on thought and am actively exploring where it takes me and what it can do. Had someone told me, that as a physician, I would have discussions with patients about the power of intent on healing, and that I would visualize them as being healed as I applied my medical training I would have thought five years ago that I must be insane. That was voodoo and ludicrous back then. Now I incorporate it in my practice, although it is subtle.