lol Snoopydoo i agree with Alysia - top marks for being so persistent with this thread
I can say right now out of body experience is real in my one wide awake conscious experience. But now, you in a site of mature oobe people and they are the experts .. Bruce being the prime example.
Just a brief account of my experiences to-date and a summary of this phenomena; In August i went right through the glass window of my lounge, like i say i was fully aware of going through the glass into my garden but i stopped there.
In my working out of this phenomena; i reckon oobe is an extension of living in Earth, that is, it is done within the multi-dimension earth realms. It is different travelling from when we go to sleep. When we are fast asleep we are actually 'dead' (we die every night!) and here we travel to our rightful home.
Oobe is phenomenal and very very interesting in the development of mankind.
So, i had my above experience and often i catch myself awake in the middle of oobe before i slip out again of awakeness - but here i wouldn't call it true oobe its more like before falling asleep.
Last week i had a strange occurance in my second awake oobe. I consciously left my body - wide awake and went to the door of my bedroom (that leads to a outside patio on roof) but the door was locked (which of course it is) but in oobe it was literally locked to me with the sense of 'no, you can't go out' not even through the glass (glass door) i turned to go through my bedroom door to go out through the front door but here, although my bedroom door was slightly ajar, it resisted me walking through it. I was almost told to go back to bed .. which i did .. quite disappointed!
So, its a funny thing this which im hoping to concentrate further upon. also, in my first awake oobe when i 'floated' through the glass above the trees in my garden i thought to myself 'ok where shall i go' and immediately i thought 'i want to go and see my mom, who lives on the east coast 800kms away' but i had the feeling someone said to me 'no, you can't do that' thats when i thought about my body and immediately flew down into a bush - out of the bush - back through the glass into my body.
(sorry rambling on Snoopydoo but grateful for the opportunity to relate this)
I do often see written words in my sleep - although here its not dead sleep - it is asleep and then awake. My recent written words are;
i have been wondering who my friend is constantly sms'ing and in my awake dream state i clearly saw his phone in-box delivery reports .. lol it was no surprise it was a confirmation!
The other night i had this strange vision of a huge scar in my mouth - it was a long scar next to my teeth and i thought surely this is not in my mouth - it is a long scar. Then i saw in writing THU 24th and the THU was plusating. It was so strong in my mind thinking don't forget this date, when i woke up in the morning this date was still in my mind. Looking at a calendar the only time i could see a Thursday 24th is May 2007. Very peculiar, im don't like date forecasts whatever they might be for and i hope to forget this date and if something happens it happens naturally. But saying this thanks for the date!
Snoopydoo, sorry for writing about the mixture of my happenings under your investigation. Im not sure if i am the right volunteer to do this. Also, meeting other people awake in oobe is not really my fortiet (would be nice though) but somehow .. its not happening .. yet.
The other members are highly experienced in this realm .. but its a thing that all things happen naturally and not when you want them to!
Keep well Snoopydoo and thanks for reading this essay