yes Cathy I believe we can state intentions and have it manifest that way because we have these creative abilities to make a choice about how many cycles of life we wish to experience, or how much is enough?
to be more simply put and speak for our own selves is the gist of it. its a little crazy out there where we go to work each day. we try to make each day a brand new day but often fall into routines and habits we end up trying to think outside the box and then we might rightly think this routine is similar to competition, a well accepted enterprise which promotes challenge and striving and being the best you can.
what if a soul comes along and says, wow, I seem to have done this before a million times and here I am doing it again. isn't there more to life than repitition and dejevous? by your imagining in your post just now, you show where your head is at. you can decide for yourself what the next station of life will be, whether here or in nonphysical realms of expression although we have many friends and guides to help us make decisions, the decision remains with us once all the talk is done. thats what choosing means. but u asked about retaining memory and coming back. theres a small percentage have recall. I think recall is not the purpose of having new experiences, as they wouldn't be fresh then.
I'm even repeating myself now...I looked into my baby's eyes once deeply. I asked her "why have you come to this place? it is not easy to live here." the light in her eyes answered me. she said "I have come to be with you because I love you, because we have always been, and it's so exciting and fresh and new to have this life although I have had many. you will not ascend without me, and likewise I will not without you because it is love which will cause ascension." I was filled with fearful responsibility for this baby's pure intention. I vowed to live up to her expectations for us. and then I quickly felt the veil close over my mind once more.
I got up at 4am to write this. everything we post to each other is effecting of our ascension purposes and also of everyday life. this may or may not be my last incarnation or yours, because it doesn't matter anymore what planet, what life you are living; it matters only whether you are happy and have created that happiness or center within yourself and extend it to others without conditions. then one by one we spread this intention of being free across the planet, free from having to compete, to lose or win, because together we are all winners. this planet is nothing but a big joke compared to our other home. I sound like I know what I'm talking about, huh? lol

I use my imagination a lot. its more real to me than this world I see out my window. I see many angels and guides hovering at this time ready to assist all to wake up and smell the coffee; and the flowers too. I'm glad you found us Cathy. I still think of that dream where you were a reporter..that was so magnifent of a dream from spirit!
ah, more coffee, wheres me latte?