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...Charting Unknown Territory (Read 26198 times)
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...Charting Unknown Territory
Jun 22nd, 2006 at 2:29pm
Smiley The subtitle of Voyages Into the Afterlife ---Charting Unknown Territory" makes a good topic, since we are beginning the new format now as well as new book(s).
     We can still start with a few questions that will be added to about every week, as we journey through this book, but keep in mind that any question regarding this book is relevant any time.

Re: pp. 34-35  'unknown territory" Focus Level 15---At this level the dimension of time is injected into the equation of our lives.  Have you had experiences while exploring "All-Time" / "No Time" when time's progression forward was changed ?

Re: pp. 44+  Bruce explains that "High level M-band noise pressure" is the sound of 5 billion humans packed onto Earth. We have to practice meditation etc to access information outside this band. We are protected from this noise by a procedure before we enter each lifetime. We've heard of instruments being developed that might reach voices outside the band. If you have heard voices that seem to have defied the band noise pressure, under what conditions did they come clear to you? Are such conditions able to be applied to the inventions that also seek to hear beyond the band?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Touching Souls
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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #1 - Jun 24th, 2006 at 12:47pm
Hi Bets,

To me, focus 15 is the most relaxing place I've ever been. I haven't been there often though. But my most memorable experience was when I took Lifeline at TMI.  
In the past I'd only experienced deep relaxation in F15 with no visuals.  This was totally different.  I perceived F15 as a huge space in front of me with past lives to the left and future lives to the right.  So I asked to see a past life.  The next thing I knew, I was in a body that felt familiar but was so different.  As I looked down I could see that I was human on top, but a goat (Pan?) from the waist down.  I remember feeling the soft white hair on my thighs and legs and kept feeling it with my hands because it was so soft and silky.  I could see my hooves.  And when I walked, I walked very differently, like an exaggerated hip swing.  I can still feel and see it as clearly as that day.  Then I walked over to a rock face and started climbing and kept going up and up until the voice said to go back.  In the debriefing, one of the participants reported he saw me climbing up my CHEC unit. Cool!

I always wondered about this one. A couple years ago I had a psychic friend contact Pan for me to see what this was about.  I don't have the message saved as I lost a lot on my last computer.  But the jist of it was that Pan was very happy to see that I'd accessed this lifetime. He explained it using the term 'soul stream'.  It seems many souls are from the soul stream of Pan and I am one of them. So I guess that a part of my soul was/is Pan. He said he was very happy that I love nature and the nature spirits and to talk to them (even if I can't see them) as they are always around and especially around plants, trees, etc. And that I can call on him  anytime I need to.

This happened in June 2001. I haven't done any more exploring in Focus 15 although I am putting that on my agenda to do.  I can still feel and see the experience I had as clear now in June of 2006, 5 years later, as when it happened. Wink

With Love,
Mairlyn Wink
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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #2 - Jun 26th, 2006 at 5:51am
i have a huge amount of respect for Bruce and his work and appreciate his vanguard approach.  i am learning a lot from these pages and thank you all.

i have read that the Earth, surrounded by our electric magnetic shield cuts off all communication from other planets and life in our solar system.  It must be the reason for the - noise pressure - that Bruce explains, all the sounds trapped under the magnetic shield.  The mission - to break through the shield - rise above it. 

The sad reason why the shield is placed around the earth - is to keep the negative energy in the earth realm only and not let this negative energy travel to the other planets in our solar system for it is said that it is only on earth this negative energy exists. 

This is what worries me about mediumship and so forth (although mediumship seems to have its place and it does seems to have its merits in helping?) my worry is it is contacting spirits under this shield, we cannot be 100% percent sure of what we are receiving because of the bondage. i am also unsure of how physical people who are also in bondage help spirits that although are also in bondage 'stuck' under the shield but freer from physical influences.  Are they really and truly stuck? Is it because they want to be stuck? Is this not leeching? - to me it is a bit of a muddle.  i reckon once the spirit is freed from the body there can be no doubt of where to go and the 'rules' of ethics.

Maybe i am wrong here and if there are spirits stuck and need human help - forgive my doubt.

i feel we need to contact Spirits beyond the shield - Spirits that live in eternal freedom and light, as also we need to aim our spiritual travels beyond the shield. 

my thoughts which i hope is in tune with the subject  Smiley

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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #3 - Jun 26th, 2006 at 3:15pm
My thoughts are that with either using hemi-sync or Bruce's methods that we do go beyond the 'negative shield.'  There are many, many stuck spirits and that's why we, the physical, are needed to help move them on.

Love, Mairlyn
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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #4 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 7:26am
Thanks for the reply Marilyn, it is a relief to know that we can go beyond the shield.

i hope to learn more about spirits stuck in under the shield - i think of the force that lifted me from the bush in my garden and i would have thought that this force must be even greater when the spirit is freed from the body propelling the spirit beyond the shield ..

but i am not doubting you Marilyn because of your experience in this which i respect .. so either they reject this force, they choose to hang around, something in earth makes them stay ... why would they want to stay though unless they are incapable of going beyond the shield? but we all have the same make-up, some more some less, surely it cant be you lighter so you go but you heavier so you stay that does not fit with the grace of love.

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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #5 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 11:33am
augoeideian wrote on Jun 26th, 2006 at 5:51am:
The sad reason why the shield is placed around the earth - is to keep the negative energy in the earth realm only and not let this negative energy travel to the other planets in our solar system for it is said that it is only on earth this negative energy exists.  

Blessing to you;
Could you please elaborate on this quote as to where/how you find this..would be interesting to find more about it. Especially the part "Only on earth this negative energy exits"
Thank you
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Touching Souls
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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #6 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 11:43am

The reason people get 'stuck' is because of their beliefs. For instance, if I hadn't learned about the afterlife from Bruce, I probably would also be stuck after I pass over. I grew up a Lutheran. They and so many other church's/religions teach that one lays in the ground until 'judgement day.'  Those who don't know that there is no death and that we (our souls) live forever can get stuck. Beliefs are powerful things. There are many other reasons too why people get 'stuck.' Or they can get stuck in what's called a Belief System Territory.

Sometimes people will choose to stay near their loved ones as they don't want to leave them. Excessive grief from the remaining loves ones here can also help to keep some souls stuck.

Have you read any of Bruce's books?  If not, now would be a good time to do this. His books opened me up so much and led me to where I am today.  I read Bruce's first 3 books 6 times each. I couldn't get enough!  However I lent those books out to someone and never got them back. So last night I ordered book 1 and book 3 used on  Next month I hope to get Bruce's 2nd book right here on his website. I feel I need these books again so that I can discuss them here because Bruce created these new forums for just this purpose. (You would think I'd have memorized the books after having read them so many times lol) I do remember much but it will be good to have them again. Wink

Love, Mairlyn
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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #7 - Jun 28th, 2006 at 10:33am
Hi Romain blessing to you too my friend

Sure; this statement comes from-

The Osirian Scripts
Inspirationally dictated to H.C. Randall-Stevens by the Masters Oneferu and Adolemy of the Osirian Group.  Published by The Knights Templars of Aquarius, London 1957.

Further H.C. Randall-Stevens was told by the Masters that he is the reincarnation of Akhnaton and in this life is called El Eros.  Oneferu being the incarnation of Men-Aton in the reigns of Amenhotep III and IV and Adolemy being the incarnation of Osiraes (not to be confused with Osiris)

In 1925 H.C. Randall-Stevens started to hear the voices of Oneferu and Adolemy at first he thought he was going mad but the voices persisted saying "Take up thy pencil and write what I give thee; if thou dost not like it tear it up." After denial and doctors tests and counselling from a pyschic El Eros picked up his pen and wrote what was dictated to him by the voice and here is what it said:

"I come from a far country to thee, O my beloved, that I may show thee the ways that thou shouldst go.  It has been long since I have spoken with thee, but I had always known that thou wouldst come to me.  Behold the things that I will show thee are passing marvellous.  If thou hast the strength and can pursue the road that I shall direct, thou shalt attain great heights spiritually. It is only by diligent study that thou canst learn the ways of Truth.  Behold I will hold converse with thee each evening at this hour.  If thou art unable any night to attend, I shall wait until thou shalt be able to be with me.  My first teaching to thee shall be the way of spiritual success.  To attain true spiritual success thou must also attain true love for thy fellow creatures.  Help them go forward and thine own path will be pointed out to thee.  Behold the workings of God are very marvellous, and His ways exceeding narrow.  Thou art chosen, O my son, and thy name shall be mighty in the sight of God.  Go forward and I will teach thee thy path and make it easy."

This is the opening of The Osirian Scripts and is centered on the teachings of Osiris and his beloved twin soul Isis.

I go to the part where the passage that you enquire about is spoken (it is part of the whole explaining why this shield was placed around the Earth but for now I take an extract)

"My children El Daoud (Adam) was then given certain instructions by the Godhead.  He was told what were to be his duties and those of his spouse enternal Evam (Eve), and he was also told that the female half was always to function as the male half's ear unto the Divine Will of the ever-blessed Trinity.  El Daoud was then told that he would be placed in charge of the evolution and ordering of the material universe of God - that part which was to comprise the grosser forms of matter which were the furthest removed spheres from the Godhead, and which were fourteen in all when they were created.  So, my beloved children, this was the great work of my father, El Daoud, that he should be the Father-King and Viceroy of the Godhead unto the material spheres of which Earth is the grossest and furthest removed from the Godhead."

"At this point O my children, I would have you clearly understand that this your Earth is the only world on which evil is known and also the only world on which such great suffering is experienced.  Also was it impossible for my father to remove the electric envelope that Satanaku had placed round the Earth for this reason: that the other material spheres would at once be in communication with the world called Earth, and would perchance absorb the evil vibrations which at that time so plentiful on the Earth plane."

i will stop there and wait for your comments Romain but briefly from this we are told Satanaku (Eranus or Satan) himself placed the envelope around the Earth because before his fall he was appointed as one of the Viceroy's of Earth.  He schemed to speed up evolution (cloning!) and placed this envelope so Adam and Eve could not see his plans while they were away visting the other spheres of gross matter.  They came back to find hideous creatures had been created and they banished Satan to what was the Earth's workshop in the atmosphere around the Earth but sadly had to become Satan's dwelling place now called the Astral realm.  We might ask why did Adam not destroy Satan there and then but .. the story unfolds further ..

Well i await your comments and impressions on the above.

Love and Peace to all

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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #8 - Jun 28th, 2006 at 10:49am
Hi Marilyn

Thank you for your reply.  No i havent read any of Bruce's work, only his Articles here and from what I have learnt in the forums.  Yes i should order indeed.

Thank you for explaining further this situation to me; i can see the grief - it is so sad.

Last night i was thinking of the criminals - but i do believe there is a place where they go for rehabilitation and help.

i would like to absorb this further and answer more fully (hopefully) tomorrow.

My love

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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #9 - Jun 28th, 2006 at 11:04pm
Thank you for the explanation. Wow, that's what i call a mouthfull..will have to re-read and digest this, a lot of informations here..Smiley
Never heard of:
The Osirian Scripts
(Inspirationally dictated to H.C. Randall-Stevens by the Masters Oneferu and Adolemy of the Osirian Group.  Published by The Knights Templars of Aquarius, London 1957.)
But you bet your lifesaver that i will do a search on it, and read more of it, sound very intresting.
Until then, thank you.
With love, Romain
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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #10 - Jun 29th, 2006 at 8:07am
A pleasure Romain, i must say it is my most treasured book.  i found it in a second hand book shop about 6 years ago lying under a whole lot of cooking books!  i hope you do manage to find further information on it; it is from the Knights Templar (as said!)  i will also go through my Steiner and Cayce books and see if it is mentioned there .. i have a feeling Steiner has spoken about it (the shield that is) just shout if you require further info from the Templars book .. um obviously you would not be sure what's in it but .. its divided into chapters:

Part one: a voice out of Egypt
1.   the coming of the voice
2.   a doctor testifies
3.   message from america
4.   the story of Atlantis
5.   the destruction of Atlantis
6.   the pyramids of Egypt
7.   the hidden temples
8.   the flight from Egypt
9.   the story of Akhenaten
10. the lost story of genesis
11. the rising of Atlantis

Part two: Cosmic Essays
1.   in the beginning
2.   the justice of God
3.   if we hold the mirror up to nature
4.   these latter days
5.   epilogue

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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #11 - Jun 29th, 2006 at 8:18am
Hi Marilyn (my hopeful part came true - my desk has been cleared  Smiley)

Yes, i can see people/spirits being stuck in their belief system and it is interesting to read Bruce and others discuss this in the forum here .. belief crashing.

Now our Juditha for example; she is tapping into a realm where the information she is gathering seems to be quite accurate by the responses.  i am right to say these spirits that she is contacting are not stuck - they are over the shield by the sounds of it.

i am still absorbing this phenomoena of spirits being stuck and dont have too much to say on it right now but i cant stop thinking about it.

Thanks Marilyn

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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #12 - Jul 17th, 2006 at 1:44am
Hi there all. that book is an entire new belief system to consider. Auggie, that reminds me the envelope you speak of reminds me of what spiritualists called the veil, whereby our memory is wiped out upon incarnation of who we really are. to study hard is said to help us break thru the veil into remembrance.

now a little return to my own belief system to see if this is interesting to you.
a retrieval of a girl stuck in her loyalty belief. always wondered if she was me, if it was a life I was in. my deceased grandmother knew where she was. we traveled to an isolated part of america I believe. her boyfriend and her had been traveling the road. her first love. probably a teenager, he only slightly older. I saw she wanted a life with him. it was a little like the movie "Natural Born killers." in that she was nearly retarded in the thinking dept. too trusting? just not very smart. didn't see it coming, her death, so she got stuck. he killed her to get her off his back. but she couldn't believe he would do this; after all, they were a set, weren't they? well, you can understand already the emotions were involved. because she couldn't believe this happened I would come along and get her unstuck by suggesting he wasn't coming back for her. she was hanging by the road where it happened. had to show her the bones as proof. she just figured he would return and pick her up..must have had an errand to do, whatever. I let the reception people on focus 27 take over the education process. she wasn't in hell. she was just waiting. old time spiritualists made the astral into a hell. I don't see it that way. I just see retrievers as flashlights in the darkness that we ourselves had a hand in creating. it is a duality planet though, not another quite like this one, meaning anything goes here, as in seasonal variety. but we can work any level we want once we take up the right study, we are not trapped when we help each other.
love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #13 - Jul 17th, 2006 at 6:52am
Hi Everyone
do you think it is at all possible to state my intentions for another life time to come back with my memory and purpose intact?
I would prefer that this is the last time, but obviously without the knowledge i have lost, I can't be sure of this.
It's that old story of the more you know the more you realise how far you have still to go!
Am I kidding myself by believing that I can in fututure remember my purpose?
would bwe interested in your ideas
with love
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Hold fast to dreams&&For if dreams die&&Life is a broken-winged bird&&That cannot fly. &&&&Langston Hughes
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Re: ...Charting Unknown Territory
Reply #14 - Jul 17th, 2006 at 9:33am
yes Cathy I believe we can state intentions and have it manifest that way because we have these creative abilities to make a choice about how many cycles of life we wish to experience, or how much is enough?
to be more simply put and speak for our own selves is the gist of it. its a little crazy out there where we go to work each day. we try to make each day a brand new day but often fall into routines and habits we end up trying to think outside the box and then we might rightly think this routine is similar to competition, a well accepted enterprise which promotes challenge and striving and being the best you can.
what if a soul comes along and says, wow, I seem to have done this before a million times and here I am doing it again. isn't there more to life than repitition and dejevous? by your imagining in your post just now, you show where your head is at. you can decide for yourself what the next station of life will be, whether here or in nonphysical realms of expression although we have many friends and guides to help us make decisions, the decision remains with us once all the talk is done. thats what choosing means. but u asked about retaining memory and coming back. theres a small percentage have recall. I think recall is not the purpose of having new experiences, as they wouldn't be fresh then.
I'm even repeating myself now...I looked into my baby's eyes once deeply. I asked her "why have you come to this place? it is not easy to live here." the light in her eyes answered me. she said "I have come to be with you because I love you, because we have always been, and it's so exciting and fresh and new to have this life although I have had many. you will not ascend without me, and likewise I will not without you because it is love which will cause ascension." I was filled with fearful responsibility for this baby's pure intention. I vowed to live up to her expectations for us. and then I quickly felt the veil close over my mind once more.

I got up at 4am to write this. everything we post to each other is effecting of our ascension purposes and also of everyday life. this may or may not be my last incarnation or yours, because it doesn't matter anymore what planet, what life you are living; it matters only whether you are happy and have created that happiness or center within yourself and extend it to others without conditions. then one by one we spread this intention of being free across the planet, free from having to compete, to lose or win, because together we are all winners.  this planet is nothing but a big joke compared to our other home.  I sound like I know what I'm talking about, huh? lol Smiley  I use my imagination a lot. its more real to me than this world I see out my window.  I see many angels and guides hovering at this time ready to assist all to wake up and smell the coffee; and the flowers too. I'm glad you found us Cathy. I still think of that dream where you were a reporter..that was so magnifent of a dream from spirit!

ah, more coffee, wheres me latte?...
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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