Hi, I had the following dreams at the end of a short sleep in a hotel room, I was visiting a conference in another town. May be interesting or just entertaining.
1. A friend of mine was in the army or navy as a diver (in life, he was a short time in the army and isn't a diver). He dive with a helmet and heavy suit, and went under water into a tunnel where the water would be pumped out and through which he would walk up again. Then we talked, and we were the same opinion that it was a very good idea of the army/navy chiefs to test this equipment. We both knew that it was necessary, and we appreciated that they had done it despite the high costs of this test.
2. Someone said to me, a specific person I met once and who gave me advice (I know who), is able to reach, to get grip, of the core of people. An animated illustration followed, where this person reached with hand into the body of another person, about at the place of the solarplexus or navel.
3. I saw myself laying on a bed, sleeping or relaxing. This me-on-the-bed was thinking intensively about a cat. Someone, a sort of teacher, which I couldn't see but got his/her messages to known, commented was going to happen then. At the back of this me-there a transparent tube was coming out, and it formed itself into this cat me-there was dreaming or thinking about. The teacher let me know "When you think of something intensely, it can happen, it's even likely to happen, that it will form etherelly from your own substance. It then will look very ghostly real." That was a bit scary! I started shivering (me and me-there together how it seems) and get a bit frightend about that and asked myself: "Well, and now? What should I do with that ghost cat? This is...a monster!" Then it was as if I had got an answer. Me-there and me together imaginated a sword, and it formed itself the same way as the cat, out of my own etheric body. This sword I-me-there took in hand and cut through the tube which connected me-there and the ghost cat, that would be the solution for my problem. I then thought, still in dream, hmm, no, that cannot be, because if this sword cuts the etheric substance I could damage my own etheric body badly with it.
4. I was in a hotel room, I knew I was laying on my bed and sleeping. Then, from the me-in-bed perspective I noticed a young asiatic man had opened the door to my room and, standing in the door, he said: "You must stand up now sir, it's time!" And I knew I had told him the time for me to get up the evening before. Then I was in a state between sleep and awake, looked on my alarm-clock and it was half an hour before it would do the alarm. So, I thought, let's sleep for half an hour, but then after a few minutes I went over the dream and realized, it must be a message and I really had to get up, I would even have enough time to write my dreams down if I rose now. Which I did. The position of the bed and the door and the size of the hotel room was like in my dream, and when I looked at the door, there was a big mirror on it. Later I arrived at the conference I wanted to visit perfectly in time.