Quote:I can totally relate to the feeling of anger towards these limiting beliefs. These limiting beliefs destroy so many lives on Earth, not just those who are "stuck" and require retrievals.
Quote:I hold a lot of resentment towards organized religion because it seems they only foster narrow mindedness from there members. I do not know if it is the fault of the religion for the distortion of life, or the members of these religion misinterpreting the true nature of the religious doctrine?
Christianity has been perverted by many churches and denominations to teach a gospel of guilt, shame, fear, hate, judgmentalism, and eternal torment in the flames of hell for many souls. The Bible is mistranslated and misinterpreted to sustain a false gospel in which God is more like a sadistic monster than the perfectly good and loving Father that Jesus taught people about. Many Christians belong to churches that teach that all non-Christians automatically go to hell to be tortured forever without any hope of release, and these churches often teach that some Christians are not good enough to avoid the same fate. There is an emphasis on the devil and that all sin is a result of possession or influence of the devil and demons, and that if one is under such influence one could go to hell.
Jesus Christ taught of a loving God who considers us as His children. He taught that the lost sheep will be found and the prodigal son will be accepted back into his father's household. He taught forgiveness even for the men who pounded nails into his hands. Jesus came to earth to teach people about love, hope, mercy and forgiveness, not fear and hate and the tortures of hell. In fact, there is not a single verse in the original Greek and Hebrew Bible that teaches an everlasting damnation to hell. This is a mistranslation that has been perpetuated by traditional church doctrines.
So many people live their lives already in hell, because they are terrorized by the thought of a fearsome God who dangles us over the flames like a spider on a thread, as the famous fundamentalist preacher Jonathan Edwards said in one of his sermons. This infernal perversion of Christianity has led to wars, heresy trials, torture chambers, burnings at the stake, and many people going insane because of their fears of being condemned by a cosmic tyrant to a permanent state of horrific punishment.
If Jesus Christ could see what has been done to his faith, he would cry out in anger at how his name is being misrepresented to teach monstrous doctrines that lead to spiritual regression rather than advancement.
God is good, and he has designed the universe so that all souls will ultimately be saved. And with a careful reading in a correct translation, we can discover that this is what the Bible actually teaches. Too bad so many churches are teaching a false gospel, a gospel that would be unrecognizable and an abomination to Jesus himself.