Morning Juditha, hope you are well today
It must be hurtful to lose an unborn child; one would think about this constantly ...
My understanding is the Spirit of the newly formed person, that is to be reborn, only enters the body at approximately three weeks before birth, known as the quickening. Sometimes the Spirit only enters at the birth itself. Before this time the Spirit is hovering around the Mum and often in labour the Spirit is anxiously hovering around the Mum and whispering ecouragement to her for the Spirits successful birth.
There is a reason why a miscarriage takes place and it may because because the parents blood group is incompatible and problems in the re-born Spirit would arise from this.
This problem is not why the Spirit has wanted to come to earth and therefore it is in the better interests of the Spirit and You not to have let the body come to full term.
Teresa is a lovely name - you will see her again and know her well.
We must realise that to produce the right conditions for a body and the very body itself is a long process and is called the Ascent of the body.
It is not something that is done quickly - it is creation and therefore for a miscarriage to happen there is a genuine reason.
Rather Teresa is safe at home then struggling here on earth with problems. This also takes a burden off you as your life path might not have meant to cope with this problem.
The father, brothers and sister that Teresa mentions- is this your husband/friend/partner and your children as well?
My love to you.