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Choose this Day
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The thing I like best about obes, is that if I have a big question on my mind, or a heavy heart about something the obe helps me get over my problem; I either get the question solved, or my emotions level out after such experience. in these cases I try to find the connection whether I caused the obe to happen and I find I did cause it by what I was thinking and feeling before the obe, so that way I realize I have a hand in the creation of my personal reality. yet in my early years it always seemed like a subjective experience and a convenient way of looking at it was to say higher self was doing it then. I didn't want to see myself as divided from higher self so I searched for what my thoughts had been about before the obe and I usually had a need to resolve some issue. so for me going obe was like having a prayer answered, a prayer in the back of my mind for maybe weeks and I'd be thinking, I'd sure like an answer, but I'll probably not get it. the very thought of holding a thought this long seems to build a momentum of energy; it's like being on a diving board for two weeks in a way.
These places in our mind, like walking into pictures are real enough if they serve the slightest purpose to make us feel more hopeful, to enjoy our lives even, and to know we are less restricted in our movement into life once we ground ourselves back into our daily life. one other note: Blue seemed to be saying that I was crowding it could have been just that he was amazed at flying, just as I was. imagine a duck who was quacking with no pause between the quacks and u get the picture. it was funny too. I never expected the just happened, so possible I was getting guide assistance, as we do have guides. love, alysia