I have an uncle named Don, he is married, no kids, and is like 46 years old. We always talk to him and other uncles at family Christmas, birthdays, etc. Don said that he knew a guy from the neighborhood (I guess the guy lived around the block, or in another neighborhood, etc). Anyway, the guy died a long time ago. My uncle Don claims that he talked to the guy, because the guy was riding around on his bike, AFTER he died (my unce didn't know he died than when seeing him riding around). My uncle says that he talked to the guy, like always everyday, and found out later from a family member that the guy was dead a few weeks now. My uncle Don thought they were lying, because a dead person doesn't ride around on bikes, etc. But he looked in the newspaper days later and found the guy has been dead for a few weeks now.
My uncle Don is a Christian preacher now, and I think that above experience (or unusual event), made him really believe in God and the spirit world. It really makes everyone in our family think about the afterlife, because our uncle Don is about as sound as an eagle's eyes are sharp.
Your thoughts on my Uncle Don's experience.