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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
The short answer is that they can see it happening. Lots of people also have the same ability, but rarely as well.
Here's an example. Go to a great big ocean. Pick a calm day that is so quiet that there isn't a ripple in the water anywhere. Now, look at what ripples you see. Each ripple is caused by some boat or whatever. All you need to do is to interpret the ripples.
An event is where the ripples coverge. The ripples must arise from the different sources of all the properties that we observe when the event occurs. At the same time, when we analyze an event, all we find is its properties, so we can equate the properties of the event with its nature. (This is a quantum definition, but it works here.)
Now, consider that the imaginary ocean has lots and lots of different dimensions of water, parallel seas, some that we sense by touch, some by smell, some by sight, some by intuition and so on. As properties come together, so that they can interact to create the definition of an event, a person at rest can sense the ripples, and thus can sense changes in health, changes in temperature, changes in location and so on.
Next time you hear a train coming, you're doing the same thing. No biggie.