We are creating a new Zodiacal Constellation
Think of the vast difference between man and mineral!
Yet man is only three stages above the mineral. Try to conceive of the sublimity of beings who are nine, eight, or even seven stages above man. These supersensible beings, the highest of the Spiritual Hierarchies, are called the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones – the First Hierarchy.
It is they who comprise the twelve differentiated groupings which we call the Zodiac, which forms as it were, the womb of our solar system. As a teacher was once a student and as a mother was once a child, so these exalted divine beings came from an earlier solar system in which they passed through their lower stages, until they were so advanced that their solar system could be transformed into our Zodiac and they could rise to mighty, creative, cosmic deeds and make the great sacrifice which gave birth to our solar system. Beyond them is the Divine Trinity, the Threefold Unity.
From the twelve directions of space, they organised the warmth and laid the foundation for the twelvefold differentiated warmth we bear in our twelve-membered physical body today, from Aries-head to Pisces-feet.
There is no chance or accidental coincidence in the recurrent reflection of the heavenly pattern in earthly life. We find it in the twelve sons of Jacob, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve disciples of Christ Jesus and the twelve Knights of the Round Table.
And with same principle mankind, with Earth at the midway station, is evolving the three spirit principles: the spirit-self, life-spirit and spirit-man. All mankind will evolve them somewhat in the course of their future incarnations, and fully in the future planetary existences, called the Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan Periods, through which the Earth will pass in the future, before the beings of our solar system reach the stage of creativity when they can participate in the birth of a new Zodiac and solar system. For man is becoming the Fourth Hierarchy, named the Spirits of Freedom and Love. At the end of the Earth Period, love should be part of everything, as wisdom is now.
For an approach to this consciousness, we need an enlarged- a cosmic –concept of the Christ, the sublime Sun Spirit who incarnated in Jesus of Nazareth from the Baptism till the Mystery of Golgotha, when he become the Spirit of the Earth and ‘The Lord of all the heavenly forces upon Earth.’ Christ is the being who in the Sun Period selflessly gave himself up in devotion to the Twelve Voices of the Word of Worlds, which kindled in him such Light that he can say, ‘I am the light of the world.’ He belongs to our cosmos as a whole and spreads life throughout our entire universe. For those who direct their thought to him during waking life, he becomes their guide through the cosmos during sleep and between death and rebirth. The Midnight Sun; The Spiritual Sun.
Love and Freedom