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Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism) (Read 9342 times)
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Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Feb 19th, 2006 at 10:21am
Researcher, author and lectuter Lloyd Pye, the man behind the Intervention Theory (which states that the only possible explanation covering the flaws of both the Creationism and Darwinism theories, is ExtraTerrestrial Intervention), had his article titled "Darwinism : A Crumbling Theory" published in Nexus Magazine, Volume 10, Number 1 (Dec 02 - Jan 03).

You can read our website's mirror of the "Darwinism : A Crumbling Theory" article here :

Lloyd Pye's Intervention Theory website :

Lloyd Pye's Starchild Skull website :

(Note : The Starchild skull, currently in the possession of Lloyd Pye, is believed to be an actual skull of an alien-human hybrid. Visit his website for more informaton.)
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Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #1 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 11:13am
Hello Kyo,

This all sounds very familiar to a channeled book called "The Urantia Book."  I read it many years ago. It's not an easy read, but fascinating.


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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #2 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 11:33am
Extra-terrestrials?  Hmmmmm..........who created them?  Eventually, you have to, as my friend Dave likes to put it, go back to the big bang, and the outpouring of consciousness, and then come up with a more general answer then little green men.
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Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #3 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 11:34am
Thank you Kyo,
for again for expanding our consciousness.
I can accept that Darwin's ideas were just a theory and that Starchild was perhaps the offspring of a human mother and an extrraterrestial father.  But that child died or was killed, so was that 'intervention' successful? What if the father came back to see how the child was doing, deemed it unfit to proceed, and killed both the child and its mother? 
How can Pyle throw in every Saskwatch etc into the same pot? They could be caused by different parentage. Or like the gods from Mt Olympus coming down and coupling with beasts, did the extraterrestials broaden their search for compatible combinations of dna by including beasts for Saskwatch's maternal line?  Just how many possibilities do I have to accept here?
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #4 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 12:46pm
Extra-terrestrials?  Hmmmmm..........who created them?  Eventually, you have to, as my friend Dave likes to put it, go back to the big bang, and the outpouring of consciousness, and then come up with a more general answer then little green men.

Matthew, you appear to be missing the point here (or at least, my point). This is not about 'explaining away' how all life began by pushing it away from Earth to some other planet, this is about bringing awareness of the connectivity between humanity and our cousins elsewhere in the Universe, on many levels including genetics.

It's a completely totally different direction or separate issue from "the big bang, and the outpouring of consciousness".
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Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #5 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 1:05pm

I will attempt to articulate what I think Matthew is getting at.

I believe we need to master generalities before getting into specifics, otherwise we end up with more questions. You have provided answers that beg more questions. That doesn't get us very far, however interesting those specifics may be.

Starchild skull?  Our scientists can't even tell us if Homo Sapiens Neandertalensis and Homo Sapiens Sapiens interbred. Now we have an alien/human hybrid skull? It would seem that this would be more credible if there existed a greater preponderance of evidence supporting it and a clearer understanding of the human/alien relationship coming from more than just one or two sources.

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Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #6 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 1:35pm
I find Kyo's post interesting.  But I think that when we are looking at the usual topics here, trying to figure out the big picture, that consciousness whether terrestrial or extra-terrestrial in origin is the same.

If someone could show me that human DNA was manipulated millenia ago, I'd find it interesting.  I'm not sure it would change the big issues, that is all I'm saying.  If we can incarnate into other planets and vice versa, may be interesting and a brotherhood. 

Just got enough on my plate for now, I guess.

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Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #7 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 1:40pm
I will attempt to articulate what I think Matthew is getting at. I believe we need to master generalities before getting into specifics, otherwise we end up with more questions. You have provided answers that beg more questions. That doesn't get us very far, however interesting those specifics may be. I think we need more big answers first. Then the little answers will make more sense and their credibility will be self-evident. Rob

Not necessarily. If you're seeking to answer the 'big, ultimate question' of how life began in the universe, that's already answered from other perspectives (more metaphysical ones, naturally; it simply cannot be answered in physical terms, because reality is multi-dimensional), and it is another topic altogether. Or from another point of view, you can't answer the 'big question' from 'within the box', so why would you think that's what the original as well as 2nd post, was about?

Perhaps an analogy will make clearer the point of my 2nd (preceding) post. The point of intervention, is acknowledging the evidence of the extraterrestrial connection (notice that we do not simplify it to only a single extraterrestrial 'creator'). This is exactly analogous to saying we have DNA evidence that the species of tiger in country A has a direct ancestral connection with the species of tiger from country B, and not country C as previously thought. Whether we're speaking of country or planet, there is no difference in principle.

In nowhere within, was there an attempt to answer the 'big, ultimate question' of how life in the universe began. And yet, the discovery (even without asking the 'big question') of ET Intervensionism, can have important implications on it's own.

In this case, it is of the larger meta-social picture of humanities connection with races beyond Earth, that is the point here. And by no means an attempt to answer any 'big, ultimate question', which would require a metaphysical approach, not a scientific one (because human science is currently not multi-dimensional), which is what Interventionism is about (scientific evidence towards extraterrestrial involvement).

I believe we need to master generalities before getting into specifics.

If you're interested in the 'big, ultimate question', know that from 'within the box', it can never be 'mastered' in terms of (human) science, so it's a moot point. From 'beyond the box' (ie. metaphysical perspective), it is already answered (peruse Hilarion's 12 Universal Laws series, for instance), so again this is a separate matter from the point of awareness of Interventionism.

If this post still does not make clearer the point for some of you, I shall let it rest.
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Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #8 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 2:10pm
Greetings Daff,
The Urantia Book  as I recall had no poetic qualities, no sense of beauty or love. It sounded like a corporate report. Was it channelled from extraterrestial intervenors?
I don't know much about channelling. Can channelling get off track by 'interpretor overlay'?
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Ex Member

Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #9 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 5:45pm

My response in on the Off-topic forum.

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Missoula, Montana
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What about Elvis..?
Reply #10 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 11:34pm
Hmmm... aliens and Sasquatch have turned up
on this thread so far.
What about the ghost of Elvis Presley, or how
about John Lennon? Do they have anything to do
with the vast alien plot to "seed" our planet?
(And don't think I'm mocking anyone here, I
read all about it in the National Enquirer..!)

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Posts: 317
Re: What about Elvis..?
Reply #11 - Feb 20th, 2006 at 12:44am
Hmmm... aliens and Sasquatch have turned up on this thread so far. What about the ghost of Elvis Presley, or how about John Lennon? Do they have anything to do with the vast alien plot to "seed" our planet? (And don't think I'm mocking anyone here, I read all about it in the National Enquirer..!) B-man

On this topic of how certain 'unifying' theories or ideas might connect or tie in many of these oddities, beings mentioned in the bible, etc, you might be interested in having a read on "The Real Creation Story". Notice that (in case some folks think this article ("The Real Creation Story") speaks for 'New Agers' or any one in particular, do not make that presumption. The ideas presented in the article may not speak for *anyone* on this forum at all, but it's still an interesting read nonetheless.

The Real Creation Story :
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Posts: 317
The three forums
Reply #12 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 1:05am
FYI, I posted this very same topic on all three of the following forums. Those interested in the subject matter being discussed, might wish to check out all the discussion threads.

Astral Pulse forum :

Near-Death forum :

Afterlife Knowledge forum :
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Posts: 317
Re: Interventionism > (Creationism + Darwinism)
Reply #13 - Feb 21st, 2006 at 1:32am
On the Near-Death forum here, EP wrote :

Are you convinced there are aliens who are interacting with Earthlings? Must admit I haven't read the articles you've posted this time as I must be off to work.   I'll read them at the next opportunity.    I don't have any personal experience with aliens, though I consider it highly probable that there is conscious life elsewhere in this gigantic universe.

There are many lines along which excellent materials on the subject matter can be found, among which the following 3 are particularly strongly recommended :

From the insider perspective of a ex-US Govt employee :

From the perspective of intelligent science and evidence :

From the perspective of an evolutionary advanced soul (who was incarnated as Plato the Philosopher) named "Hilarion" :

The 3rd url above, is a direct link to the book "Starlight Elixers and Cosmic Vibrational Healing", a book project comissioned by Fred Rubenfeld of Pegasus Products, in which Hilarion, channeled by Jon C Fox, describes in detail many *dozens* of extraterrestrial civilizations and their connections (direct or indirect) to Humanity and Earth. If you're open to the possibility that Hilarion is the 'real deal' (which he is, I say this from direct personal experience), then this is a treasure of a book that is an absolute must-have, for anyone interested in the topic of Extraterrestrials.
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