Mattb, you wrote...
You are a member of the human race and are not a world leader (I doubt)
Perhaps you cannot choose.
-Ah, but I CAN, Mattb. And I have...
I DID specify ""voluntarily join." I didn't volunteer to be "created" (assuming there is a "creator.")
I think this poses the question of what we revert to if there is an afterlife. Many groups in nature are without an explicit leader.
What purpose are leaders in flocks of birds, schools of fish and fields of grass?
What are the functions of an apha male?, and are those functions needed in a group that does not need sustenance and reproduction?
-If I can't reincarnate at some point, and set right things I did wrong in this life - well, I'd just as soon forget the whole schmear.
Do we become light or pure consiousness at a level that ignores physical social structures?
Does hierarchy occur in a dream state or OBE's?
-One thing's for sure... I'll choose obliteration over being the sh!tbag/scapegoat who's at the BOTTOM...
Or maybe even "Hell," barring obliteration (greatly preferable I'll admit!) FEAR is an inexcusable emotion, fit only for dumb animals and small children. If as an ADULT, you succumb to fear in ANY way, for ANY reason... YOU ARE A COWARD. I knuckled under to my last bully long, long ago. Perhaps "God" is a bully? The Old Testament sure as heck makes him out as one, not to mention the Book of Revelation.
If so - well, F*CK "God."
And if this means no "heaven" for me, and eternal torture...
So Be It.