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a question for Don (Read 7040 times)
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Re:  a question for Don
Reply #15 - Feb 17th, 2006 at 8:03am

There are plenty of well trained and well respected Bible scholars who are atheistic or agnostic and who have little interest in the personal relevance of Jesus' teaching.   I deem them my worthy intellectual adversaries.   The problem with the New Age movement and many posters on this site is their reliance on New Age wackos, googled websites, and channeling to get their information about Jesus.   This incestuous practice is worthy of amused pity and the "Ghetto mentality" label.  Very few posters on this site make the effort to read the best proponents of alternate challenging viewpoints.   Recently this finds eloquent illlustration in B-man's thread on Intelligent Design.   B-man reads no books on challenging alternatives, and wow, does it show in his posts!

For a challenging case on Intelligent Design,  read microbiologist's Michael Behe's "Darwin's Black Box."  I say read it, not what New Age apologists and mindless debunkers say about it.  For intellectual integrity, read primary sources on major competing positions and, in this way, find your own well-earned authentic voice. 

In this respect, I am very pleased that Happy Girl has accepted my challenged and is reading both Malachi Martin and M. Scott Peck on exorcisms.  Follow her lead. 


I will take a look at that book at my next book slot chance.

But the fact remains that contempt is not a good/loving response on a purely personal level alone, so if scholars of a religion ever adopt that mentality they should re-evaluate their attitudes.

When I was a young child I was taught that Jesus teaches love, forgiveness and tolerance.

I am now pondering whether amused contempt is better or worse than vanilla contempt
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The Road goes ever on and on&& Down from the door where it began....&&Where many paths and errands meet.&& And whither then? I cannot say.&&&&&&
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Re:  a question for Don
Reply #16 - Feb 17th, 2006 at 2:53pm

I just thought of two psychological concepts in Peck's  "People of the Lie" that might not be clear to you--transference and countertransference.  Let's assume that I'm a shrink and you are my patient.  To help you during counseling, I need to be aware of any "transference."   What is that?   Well, I may remind you of your father.   So you may want me to "take care of you" and just tell you what to do.  But counseling needs to empower the patient, not to infantilize her.    The patient needs to come to her own insights without direct advice.   Daughters with problems often have issues with their fathers.  So if transference occurs, the daughter may unconsciously project those issues on to the shrink and her resulting anger may prevent therapy from being successful.   The shrink needs to recognize transference and bring it to his patient's attention.

"Countertransference" is just the opposite.   The female patient may unconsciously remind the shrink of his ex-wife.   This may evoke mild hostility to the patient which she may pick up as coldness.   Also, countertransference may cause the shrink to impute motives to the patient which applied to his ex-wife, but do not apply to his female patient.   So shrink's need to be self-aware enough to recognize their own countertransference.

Why is this important in "People of the Lie?"   In the presence of evil people, Peck experiences confusion and revulsion.  Sensitive people can pick up the "negative vibes" of truly evil people.   But herein lies the danger.   If countertransference is occurring, the shrink may be unconsciously projecting an idenity onto the patient from his unhappy past and this projection may be the true source of his revulsion.  In such cases, the patients may not be evil at all and the negative perceptions of them may merely reflect the shrink's hang-ups.  

Countertransference can also distort astral encounters.   For example, a being of light may remind me of my Jesus stereotype.  In the more mental astral realm, my distorted projection may prevent me from discerning the light's true identity and message.   So sensitivity to transference and countertransference can be essential to a well honed spiritual discernment.


Let me know what you think of Behe's book.   I agree with you that the attitude of many skeptical modern Bible scholars is elitistic, patronizing, and unethical.  But there is also such a thing as tough love and confrontational approaches to spiritual quests can be loving if motivated by a desire to wake someone up, expand his horizons, and energize his spiritual quest.  


Now that you have shared more about your hypnagogic experienences, they strike me as potentially on the brink of genuine OBEs.  Your "choir" experiences are very typical of NDEs, which provide the best paranormal evidence for an afterlife.  

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« Last Edit: Feb 17th, 2006 at 7:31pm by Berserk »  
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Re: a question for Don
Reply #17 - Feb 17th, 2006 at 3:23pm

It could be that your third eye and other chakras are going to be developed. I used to hear loud sounds when the process first started. I haven't heard them in quite a while. Perhaps you should pray to God and/or reach out to your higher self, and ask them to aid you in this process. They probably already are.

Hi there
Can anyone tell me if you hear very loud noises when you obe.  I dont practice obe or anything it just happens. When i try to sleep i go trough stages with heavy sound after that my body sleep but my brain is still awake and i can see trough my eyelids , can someone help or tell me whats that all about.
please excuse my english it is not my native tongue.


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