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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 596
Missoula, Montana
Until you've read it, and considered the implications thereof. The human eye (although it DOES work) is, even in the case of a person with better-than-"perfect" 20/10 vision - a horribly ill-made piece of gear. For example, there is the "blind spot" (or fovea) which is where the optic nerve enters the retina... That's right, the optic nerve begins "ON TOP" of the retina!!! (Not behind it, as any good engineer would construct it.) This leads to a "blind spot" on the retina which is not sensitive to light - in other words, the human retina is NOT 100% efficient even in the BEST of cases (unlike a squid's retina, which IS 100% efficient, with the optic nerve attaching to the back of the retina!) In fact, one 17th-century anatomist is said to have asserted that the human eye was so poorly designed, had he bought it from a supplier he would feel justified in returning it. Understand, this "human eye" example is just ONE such case of "lousy" biological design. Where am I going with all this? INTELLIGENT DESIGN, that's where. Apparently, "God" wouldn't last long if he took a job at GM. (Would he try to make a car with square tires..? Or maybe when you turned the ignition key, the windshield wipers came on and the horn honked?) And if there's no "intelligent design" to the universe... Does that not bring us right back to good ol' mechanistic materialism, and the afterlife is a bunch of hooey and wishful thinking? Why are there no REPUTABLE scientists who believe in "intelligent design"... why are they all "Dr. Dino" types with a day job selling used cars (or something like that...) I welcome all of your thoughts on this.