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DON'T judge this as "off-topic"... (Read 15246 times)
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DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Feb 15th, 2006 at 7:40am
Until you've read it, and considered the implications thereof.
The human eye (although it DOES work) is, even in the case of a person with better-than-"perfect" 20/10 vision - a horribly ill-made piece of gear.
For example, there is the "blind spot" (or fovea) which is where the optic nerve enters the retina...
That's right, the optic nerve begins "ON TOP" of the retina!!! (Not behind it, as any good engineer would construct it.) This leads to a "blind spot" on the retina which is not sensitive to light - in other words, the human retina is NOT 100% efficient even in the BEST of cases (unlike a squid's retina, which IS 100% efficient, with the optic nerve attaching to the back of the retina!)
In fact, one 17th-century anatomist is said to have asserted that the human eye was so poorly designed, had he bought it from a supplier he would feel justified in returning it.
Understand, this "human eye" example is just ONE such case of "lousy" biological design.
Where am I going with all this?
Apparently, "God" wouldn't last long if he took a job at GM. (Would he try to make a car with square tires..? Or maybe when you turned the ignition key, the windshield wipers came on and the horn honked?)
And if there's no "intelligent design" to the universe...
Does that not bring us right back to good ol' mechanistic materialism, and the afterlife is a bunch of hooey and wishful thinking?
Why are there no REPUTABLE scientists who believe in "intelligent design"... why are they all "Dr. Dino" types with a day job selling used cars (or something like that...)
I welcome all of your thoughts on this.

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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #1 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 8:54am
There are many REPUTABLE scientists that do not believe in "good ol' mechanistic materialism".

Pim von Lommel is a medical doctor, a cardiologist. I would consider him quite reputable :-

Amit Goswami is a reputable scientist :-

Michael Talbot was a reputable scientist :-

Rupert Sheldrake is a reputable scientist :-

The whole universe is constantly evolving from the moment of its creation.

If you try to compare intelligent design to some man with a beard making humans out of rock then your statement holds merit.

If you think of the Universe as an evolving organism then I cannot see what merits your statement has.

You also make the massive assumption that God is needed for an afterlife to exist.
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« Last Edit: Feb 15th, 2006 at 10:42am by mattb1000 »  

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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #2 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 9:48am
Good point, as always chum.

Perfect design, - nothing perfect about it, the possiblity of life existing on other planets is becoming more and more plausable.

The earth being in the right spot, is another bogus argument, theoretically we could move millions of miles away from the sun, and still survive.

We are far from perfect, intelligence and co-operation keeps us alive.

Perfect, is contained by our own brain - whats perfect for us, is'nt perfect for someone else.

In reality, everything is random - wether this randomness was set into motion by something else is still debatable.
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #3 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 9:52am
The trouble with scientists in my opinion they think they know everything about everything but they dont ,they are not always right in their assumptions of the truth and they don,t like being proved wrong so i dont take a lot of notice of them i make up my own mind about things .DEANNA
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #4 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 9:58am
Good point, as always chum.

Perfect design, - nothing perfect about it, the possiblity of life existing on other planets is becoming more and more plausable.

The earth being in the right spot, is another bogus argument, theoretically we could move millions of miles away from the sun, and still survive.

We are far from perfect, intelligence and co-operation keeps us alive.

Perfect, is contained by our own brain - whats perfect for us, is'nt perfect for someone else.

In reality, everything is random - wether this randomness was set into motion by something else is still debatable.

Sorry, which one are we discussing here, perfect or intelligent design?

What does the position of the earth have to do with anything?

Many experiements have been set up to show that pure randomness can be affected (P.E.A.R).

I would like your and chum's views on the theories and observations put forward in the articles mentioned above.
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #5 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 10:26am
Taken from the Amit Goswami article :-

WIE: So there are people corroborating your ideas?

AG: There are people who are now coming out and recognizing the same thing, that this view is the correct way to go to explain quantum physics and also to develop science in the future. In other words, the present science has shown not only quantum paradoxes but also has shown real incompetence in explaining paradoxical and anomalous phenomena, such as parapsychology, the paranormal—even creativity. And even traditional subjects, like perception or biological evolution, have much to explain that these materialist theories don't explain. To give you one example, in biology there is what is called the theory of punctuated equilibrium. What that means is that evolution is not only slow, as Darwin perceived, but there are also rapid epochs of evolution, which are called "punctuation marks." But traditional biology has no explanation for this.
However, if we do science on the basis of consciousness, on the primacy of consciousness, then we can see in this phenomenon creativity, real creativity of consciousness. In other words, we can truly see that consciousness is operating creatively even in biology, even in the evolution of species. And so we can now fill up these gaps that conventional biology cannot explain with ideas which are essentially spiritual ideas, such as consciousness as the creator of the world. 
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #6 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 10:41am
Sorry, which one are we discussing here, perfect or intelligent design?

What does the position of the earth have to do with anything?

Many experiements have been set up to show that pure randomness can be affected (P.E.A.R).

I would like your and chum's views on the theories and observations put forward in the articles mentioned above.

The basis for the "intelligent design" is that it's to perfect to be random. Key arguments for "perfectness" is the position of the earth in relation to the sun, and that no other alien life has been found.

Intelligent design, is used to try and prove the existance of god. It's part of most philosphy course's.

I do believe chum, is trying to make a point that god cannot exist because of this, not that he does'nt believe in nde's/obe's.
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #7 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 10:45am
The basis for the "intelligent design" is that it's to perfect to be random. Key arguments for "perfectness" is the position of the earth in relation to the sun, and that no other alien life has been found.

Intelligent design, is used to try and prove the existance of god. It's part of most philosphy course's.

I do believe chum, is trying to make a point that god cannot exist because of this, not that he does'nt believe in nde's/obe's.

Perfection is an assumption for intelligent design not a basis.

Intelligent design can also mean creativity. By its nature, creativity it not perfection.
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #8 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 10:45am
Our limited ideas of 'perfection' are not, perhaps, the idea of 'perfection' in the eyes of God. We can't know anything for sure, can we?
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #9 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 10:57am
Perfection is an assumption for intelligent design not a basis.

Intelligent design can also mean creativity. By its nature, creativity it not perfection.

It's not just an assumption, it's the very core, for the people who believe in it, Intelligence theory would say things are "to perfect" not ultimately perfect, It's basically saying theres to many co-incidences, for our current state -that there must be somthing intelligence behind it.
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #10 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 11:05am
It's not just an assumption, it's the very core, for the people who believe in it, Intelligence theory would say things are "to perfect" not ultimately perfect, It's basically saying theres to many co-incidences, for our current state -that there must be somthing intelligence behind it.

So you agree that chumleys assumption is wrong then. Since you agree that Intelligence design theory is not advocating ultimate perfection?
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #11 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 11:14am
So you agree that chumleys assumption is wrong then. Since you agree that Intelligence design theory is not advocating ultimate perfection?

I agree with chum's assumption, that god had nothing to do with our existance.

I dont agree however - that it means the afterlife does not exist.

For i am a great believer in energy, it's not destructable - only changable.
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #12 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 11:15am
Greetings Chumley,
Do you wish for the most ' practical' body that could be designed? A drawing was published several years ago of the results of a group of scientists who set out to do just that:--- the mouth and lips were over the stomach, the eye was on a stem protected by a pod over the center of the forehead, the body and limbs were shortened to half their average length, etc.
Have you seen diagrams of the shape formed by the solar winds as they wind around and away from earth?  Its on astronomy solar wind sites. It looks like a human in a cloak, beautiful.
How can you judge which is better? Perhaps we have capabilities or conditions that a squid does not, that must be taken into consideration.  Maybe when you know it all, you'll get to be in charge. Until then I enjoy your challenges.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #13 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 12:14pm
None are so blind as those who can not see.

Strictly on an evolutionary standpoint, we did not require the vision of an eagle; thus they are better equipped to see a mouse at 800 feet above the ground.  We use our vision for certain purposes; the blind spot, in general is not noticeable for 99.99% of us.  Now, its true there are other issues, such as the image being refracted upside down and then having to be inverted to be understood.

I think the flaw in thinking about intelligent design, is the idea that our bodies should somehow be perfect, or else that implies the creator is not perfect.  Rubbish.  Our bodies are vehicles, evolved to work in the real world.  They are full of imperfections, yet we function, live and love and interact with each other despite that.  The question is, do you go from a random mass of amino acids in a primordial soup to a thinking breathing human being just on random chance, or is there an overall intelligence or consciousness guiding this evolution?

The answer is unknown with certainty, and thus this discussion will not be won.  However, it is my belief that there is plenty of empirical evidence that consciousness preceeds manifestation in the real world.  Thus, I believe in intelligent design, but not in flawless human beings. 

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Re: DON'T judge this as "off-topic"...
Reply #14 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 12:40pm
I think the flaw in thinking about intelligent design, is the idea that our bodies should somehow be perfect, or else that implies the creator is not perfect.  Rubbish.  Our bodies are vehicles, evolved to work in the real world.  They are full of imperfections, yet we function, live and love and interact with each other despite that.  The question is, do you go from a random mass of amino acids in a primordial soup to a thinking breathing human being just on random chance, or is there an overall intelligence or consciousness guiding this evolution?

Nail...Head...You hit the first on the second.
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