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The Concept of Time (Read 5556 times)
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The Concept of Time
Feb 14th, 2006 at 7:00am
Could it be possible that both the future and the past both intertwine with one and other?  As the main references to the spirit world indicate there would be no such thing as time, but then they contradict themselves by saying it "takes time for a spirit to evolve"

I am confused  ???
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roger prettyman
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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #1 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 8:32am
Hi, Jambo,

Well, I for one believe that both the future and the past are intertwined with one another. In his books, Dr Brian Weiss both regresses and progresses his patients - though mainly regressions to resolve current life problems emanating from past life experiences. Fascinating reading!

Also, is it actually the spirits who say "it takes time to evolve"? I think not - but man`s interpretation.
While in the physical, a spirit is developing within us through our experiences. When we pass over the spirit goes to the Afterlife where it can decide to return in the physical for further develpoment or go to higher planes if it has reached the desired state of being.
Therefore, surely time as we know it, doesn`t have to come into this equation? The spirit can either just return, or not, depending upon it`s state of evolution.

roger  Smiley
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The past is history, the future is a mystery.&&Today is a gift, that`s why it`s called the present.&&Let yourself enjoy today. It will never come again.&&&&&&Butterfly.
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Touching Souls
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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #2 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 12:36pm
Could it be possible that both the future and the past both intertwine with one and other?  As the main references to the spirit world indicate there would be no such thing as time, but then they contradict themselves by saying it "takes time for a spirit to evolve"

It is confusing. Saying it takes time for a spirit to evolve is said in our 3D reality. What other word could be used for the word 'time?'  We've grown up with time as part of our reality. We all have watches, clocks, etc.  It's a hard thing to comprehend 'no time.' I can't explain it but the fact of 'no time' resonates very strongly with me.

All past lives and all future lives are being lived right now, right here in this moment. This was a big concept that it took me awhile to realize is true. It's all in where our FOCUS is.

Many people are learning to talk to their other aspects (past lives) in the NOW. It's happening more and more as the shift/ascension continues. I feel that we will begin to understand the concept of no-time as the shift continues and we raise our vibrations to the 4th and 5th dimensions. Wink

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #3 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 1:08pm
In my opinion, there is no such thing as time. Time was created by mankind to put order in civilization. So now we have watches, clocks, birthdays, ect. When the spirit world (or astral world, if you will), created the universe (it's my opinion that it did), the spirits or God made the physical plane feel like it's constanting moving in time, whereas in the spirit dimensions (such as when dreaming or lucid dreaming), it feels like there is no time at all.

Nature, or the physical plane, has laws of it's own. Whereas in the spirit world, it's probably much more ethereal. When you go to the higher starry astral planes, such as when astral projecting, or after physical death, there is probably no time there at all, just eternity.

Time is probably not a real thing. We exist in eternity right now.
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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #4 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 1:29pm
Time is a measurement of an activity.  For everything there is a start and a finish or evolution.  If you follow an activity forward, you have a linnear progression; time is a measurement in our reality to measure real life events. 

I would imagine then, that in the spiritual realms, there is an equivalent, though not exactly like our notions here.  If you have tasks to perform, and there is a beginning and an end to the task, there will be time.  If one aspect of yourself could go about accomplishing the task in a timeless realm,  it would be more than we can currently comprehend. 

There is an ever-present that holds past/present and future together.  If we are lucky, we can connect to this at times, and some forms of remote vision and ESP must be tapping into this ever present state. 

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Bruce Moen
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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #5 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 1:38pm

To say "time does not exist" is one way of describing what "time" means when viewed from a perspective outside physical reality.  When you asked "Could it be possible that both the future and the past both intertwine with one and other?" from my experience you come close to the mark.

From within physical reality the notion that time always moves in one direction, toward the future, is a large part of our understanding of what time is.  But another description of what time is would be; a sequence of events that always and only appears to move in one direction from past events, through present events, toward future events.

From my experience the "sequence of events" part of time's definition still exists beyond physical reality, but the limitation of moving "always and only in one direction" does not.  From within a nonphysical reality perspective we are free to experience any sequence of events in any order.  Future, present, and past have no real meaning when you can experience the events we normally use to mark the passage of time within physical reality, but you are no longer limited to experiencing them always and only in one order and direction.  From a physical world perspective if future, past and present having no meaning, we would say "time does not exist."

>> but then they contradict themselves by saying it "takes time for a spirit to evolve" <<

We could also say, "it takes awareness of experiencing a certain sequence of events for a spirit to evolve."  If that awareness must for some reason occur within physical reality then I suppose we could say it takes time for the evolution to occur.  But that's just experience of a sequence of events perceived within the limitations of physical realiy.

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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #6 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 8:07pm
Hi Bruce-

Relativity alone suggests that we have an endless array of time tracks. Comparing the "motion forward for a sequence of events" over a large number of  different systems that are moving at different speeds will give an equally wide range of time flow rates. In fact, there seems to be no "correct" rate of time.

I'm wondering about our future when we have finally tamed travel by rocket, or whatever, and we have teams leaving on exploration trips that take a subjective 2 or 3 years, yet they return after centuries. Definietly time is as mixed up as we might desire it to be.

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roger prettyman
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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #7 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 5:26am
Time - past, present or future? Or is it?
Does the present actually ever exist, and, if so, how long does it last?

We can think of the "now" - this very tiny moment in time, but a fraction of a millisecond later it has become the past.
So, do we only have the past and future?

roger Smiley
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The past is history, the future is a mystery.&&Today is a gift, that`s why it`s called the present.&&Let yourself enjoy today. It will never come again.&&&&&&Butterfly.
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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #8 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 2:12pm
Actually, Roger, I suspect that all we have is the present and that the past and future are merely imagination. And the present isn't all that stable either.

There was a young fellow named Bright,
Whose speed was much faster than light.
He set off one day,
In a relative way,
And returned on the previous night.

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #9 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 3:47pm
I've had experiences which told me that linear time doesn't exist.

Regarding the below, sometimes verbal/written communication has its limitations, and one needs to consider the context.

[quote author=Jambo  As the main references to the spirit world indicate there would be no such thing as time, but then they contradict themselves by saying it "takes time for a spirit to evolve"

I am confused  ??? [/quote]
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Ex Member

Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #10 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 5:14pm
Hi When me and deanna had a private sitting with this medium he told us that our grandad was there who had passed on .then the medium said that grandad was looking at his pocket watch and taking time on us .Then he said that grandad was saying that in 6mths time me and deannas life would get better. It makes you wonder if they do know time.The medium was right grandad always carried a pocket watch in his waistcoat pocket .God bless juditha
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Re: The Concept of Time
Reply #11 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 7:40pm
From any of the experiences that I have ever had,  I don't think that 'time' is in the same context of what 'time' is here on earth.
I am saying this based only on my own experiences.
Think of real sloooooooow motion time....and that might be a start as to how I could try to explain what I mean.....or 'endless'.....'ongoing'.............needless to say, there are no watches, clocks, calenders in afterlife time.
There is no point of deadline, end of day/month/'s not even in your thoughts there.
Think of 'no gravity' distinction of any kind...
Think of complete and absolute 'freedom' from anything that you have ever learned and lived with here on earth.

When I rose from my wrecked car, I floated to the height of the power lines and looked down at the crash site. My body felt warm but had no substance. All that was left of me was my soul...I could think, talk 'within' myself...communicate 'telepathy'...I had emotion....but felt absolutely nothing 'physical'.
I could move from one place to another...but not 'walking' times I glided/floated...other times I was instantly transported to where I wanted to, I don't know.....but instant travel as in 'bewitched' comes to mind! lol
........and no, not by wiggling the nose or by snapping fingers!

14 years after my mom died, she finally came to visit me in a dream. We had an awesome conversation..and at the end of it, she said that she really enjoyed the time that we had been able to spend together at that moment...and she promised that she would come back and visit again really soon...........that, was 25 years ago...and she still hasn't been back.

Therefore, I would suggest that 'time' in the afterlife is something much different than how we see 'time' on earth.

'Time stands still' might be a way to view it, although, you still do what you want to do, time does not move.

So I suppose what I am trying to say is that once you shed your physical body and enter the afterlife, you can kiss 'time' goodbye as you now know it and you can then begin to enjoy 'getting around to it' on your own time...because you will have an eternity to 'get around to it.'
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