This little demonstration (as described by Aaron from the Near-Death forum) has tremendously important implications as to the power and responsibility every being has towards all other beings and life forms, human and non-human (animal, plant, devic, angelic, etc), intraphysical and extraphysical, with whom we have the privilege to interact with, and with whom we share our planet, Cosmos and existence with. Aaron posted here on the Near-Death forum : Anyone can replicate this phenomina with a two leaves taken from a houseplant. I've done this myself, and have pictures to prove it.
Pluck two leaves in good condition from a houseplant, and lay them side by side, perhaps on your dresser. Every morning and night, pick one up and talk to it, or send supportive thoughts to it...tell it it's a good little leafie and you want it to thrive etc...
Well, the one I ignored started wilting after a few days and after a week it was completely brown. While the one I talked to stayed in perfect condition for TWO WEEKS, and only started to wilt after I started ignoring it.