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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Hi Juditha-
Vodoo is often uised as an example of cursing, and it is a very valid and true example. First, everybody gets the message that Joe is going to be cursed by the hounh=gan. Then the houngan does some kind of ritual, and typically recites a chant. (The only one I know is defnitely a curse!) The chant has a specific rythm that can be drummed. Kids can beat it on a fence with sticks. People can mumble or sing it. After a while, Joe hears all this stuff, the ceaseless drumming and so on, and being a "true beoiever" Joe believes that he is going to die. The usual result is that Joe does what he feels appropriate, and has a nervous breakdown followed by shock, cardiac fibrillation, and subsequently death. The process is easily explained psychologically, but when used in this manner, it works.
As for cursing someone in secret, you can go through the process, but the immediate result is likely to be negative karma from having done a destructive act, even if it turns out to be ineffective. The person cursed, however, is like a greased door knob. Unless they have done something wrong, they can't be grasped, the curse can't stick.
Hey Spitfire- I don't have a cat, but I have toes. Can I be a witch?