Ex Member
Hi everybody! I am new to posting but have been coming to the board for years and have read Bruce's and Robert Monroe's books and have done the home Monroe Institute tapes through Focus 21. This morning I put on the Focus 21 free flow tape and even though I am not great at retreivals felt I should go there to the sunami hit lands and do something helpful if possible. No feeling of passage but I was there above a coastal village, palpable feelings of grief, despair and incredible wreckage, the dead walking around with the living looking for their body, lots of light helpers too. One said to me "why dont you go down to the beach and see who you can find" so I did, and it was sunlit even though it is nightime there. Found a man about 40 who knew he was dead and a little 4 year old girl who didn't. Even though she'd drowned with her brother and other children she was dry haired. I made a white cannopie above my shoulders and they got on it. I stopped to go to the bottom of the sea where someone else was tangled in wreckage. he was there with his body but I couldn't get him to come up. Went back up to the cannopie where my other two were and instantly arrived at a common Indian abode. His parents looking grey-haired and distinguished, came out and he embraced them sobbing. They offered to take the little girl but she didn't want to go with them. She just wanted to find her mother and family so we went back. She could not recognize where she was because of the wreckage. Children I think, often dont get the transition between physical life and death. Anyway I'm wondering what to do with this sweet darling of a child and ask some helpers. I usually just sense them but I was really looking at them and saw that they can assume any form they wish....or not. Just then a tall, maby 7 foot grey-haired Indian woman in veils so heavanly and of angelic feeling appeared, spoke to the chilid in her language and took her by the hand and she shyly, as are 4 year olds of strangers, but went with her. I then saw a way station (my word} of pole,scrap and bannana leaf abodes set up around a shining sea and people sitting there in clean clothes, clean Madras bedding and a feeding center closeby, many waiting to see what other relatives and friends come across in the ensuing weeks and months ? Not much considering the number of passed over people but they know I'm new at this and give me small tasks. I then shot up above the earth and could see the light rings around it. Outside in Focus 1, a utility truck was gunning it's engine and the noise distraction proved to be to much so I returned. I play jazz in New Orleans and will post more when I get a work break. Love and big Hellos to you all. Iv'e been reading the posts for so long, you all feel like friends already!