"I think it's your interpretation part of the brain that thinks it's kidnapping. it's that part of the mind that tries to figure things out based on previous experiences and delivers to the mind what it considers "helpful" solutions as to where you are and possibly why you are there."
One of the limitations of the english language is it's inability to precisely express the language of my mind. While the initial impression was kidnapping, the end impression was that it was for my own good. I can convert mind language into english fairly well, but nothing is as precise as the experience itself. Now, if I were able to send and you were able to receive telepathic stories the interpretation discussion would become moot point. Still, when I write out my experience in english, it gives everyone the opportunity to customize their interpretation of my dream log and be creative.
Thats what stories tend to do, give people different gifts.
"since when we "go out" it's a totally different experience than what we're used to dealing with, we try real hard to supply answers to ourselves through the interpretor. bruce has a better explanation of the interpretor than myself. I think the oriental may be a self from the disc who is attempting to answer your call (destiny) for help with going into this shift in consciousness, which tends to throw all of us "off balance" temporarily. from my viewpoint you are moving into it pretty fast. alysia"
That sounds like a good opinion about understanding otherworldly experiences and the minds rationalization of them, and the oriential may very well be a disc member answering my call for the end to my confusion and amnesia and negative moods that I am dealing with right now.
* I have seen people of asian descent in my dreams occasionally too.
* The off balance physically is a good analogy to my "off balance mentally/spiritally" that I have experiencing too.
* As for the Toyota and Nissan, these Japanese brands may mean the helper is Japanese or something else.
* The Company logo on the Toyota representing a collective of people dedicated to helping out their fellow humans.
* The cars possibly meaning transportation to another consciousness and/or dimension of being.
* The vision of my house across the street meaning leaving home to take care of important buisness
* And the Alien Theme I strongly believe ties into my strong fascination of seeing a real Alien and realizing the existance of other intelligent beings.