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John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion) (Read 5633 times)
gordon phinn
Ex Member

John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Oct 15th, 2004 at 6:23pm
Woops! didn't quite fit !
I expressed a desire to encounter a being or beings from Galactic headquarters.  A response came.
“They are all too busy, but I have been assigned as a representative for this focus level.  How can I assist you?”
I wanted to know why Galactic central, or whatever it was known as, was actually necessary.
“Your question is noted and answered thusly:  the members of the Galactic central, as you call it, concern themselves, not with the dull administrative chores you may be imagining, but with balancing the needs of various planetary cultures, assuring that squabbles do not get out of hand.  Squabbles such as mineral rights on Earth, which many extraterrestrials, as we called them, seem to regard as their own.”
I thanked him/her for the example, as it seemed very apt.  Did they continue their mining activities convinced we were so stupid that we deserved the exploitation?
Some of them, yes, apparently.  And some of them, while not dismissing us or interfering with our evolution, saw their own need as supreme, and calculated that certain elements on Earth were so abundant that we could easily spare some.
I had to admit that this sounded very human in its reasoning.  I thought ‘the cosmic beggar meets the rapacious capitalist’.  The Galactic Central bureaucrat partially concurred.  Post facto rationalization had a very broad usage it would seem.
I expressed a certain skepticism as regards the value of the debating process at the Galactic level.  Physically alive humans were being encouraged to participate, but other than a sense of belonging, I wondered what good, if any, it might do.  The sense of belonging was, in fact, the whole point of the exercise, I was told.  Humans need to know, I was told, that they have a seat at table.
If they remember to show up, I added.
“Yes, well, that could be a problem.”
Will the ‘humans needing to know’ stage last for some years, to be then replaced with the ‘few humans who care participating’ stage?
“That’s something along the lines of what we were envisioning”.
I asked about members of the planetary hierarchy, such as Jesus, Buddha, Maitreya and Saint Germain, participating.
“Yes, they and their assistants are intimately involved.  As perhaps you might have guessed.”
I asked if issues were decided without any human participation.
The hierarchy was human after all, even if they were graduated members.  And he suspected that I myself had more than once sat in the visitors gallery.  This shocked me until recalled portraying that very situation fictionally and wondering where exactly I got the idea.  He then diplomatically implied that if I wanted to overcome my visitor-on-the-periphery status I would have to develop a much more continuous sense of consciousness, one that would not be periodically obliterated by sleep.
I knew this to be true and took my lumps like a man.  Continuity of consciousness is something all aspirants strive for.  That pearl beyond price: knowing where you are at all hours of the day and night.  Knowing where all of you is, not just some of you.  I thanked the Galactic representative for his efforts and he sort of dwindled down to a dot and then disappeared.
I tasted my humility for a while and then, perhaps to reassert my status amongst the righteous, put out a call for one of the ‘Greys’ involved in the hybrid breeding project.  As I waited for a response I wondered how John was doing.  Intuition said ‘just fine’.
A being that looked more like a Nordic than a Grey appeared in front of me, beaming with a brew of authority, nobility charm and pride. Well, something like that.  Certainly no shame, which is perhaps what I was expecting. 
“I am here to represent the Greys,” he telepathed, “And I can see you are one of the old human souls who resent the Greys initiative as a betrayal of some kind.”
The Greys and The Reptilians are an abomination to me.  I find their arguments specious, their ways deceptive and manipulative and their perceived goals repulsive.  This notion that they hold up the human dark side to the mirror of conscience to be the worst kind of retroactive rationalization, worthy of perhaps only the Nazis.
“You would excuse the ongoing human practice of economic slavery?”
“Our sins and shortcomings are no concern of yours.  And using them to justify your continued rape of innocence in pursuit of the physical immortality you lust after is a habit worthy only of the dark brothers you serve.”
“You yourself have honored the divine role of the rebel angels.”
“They serve the polarity created by the law of free will, yes.  And they do it well.  But the beings you administer serve only their self-interest.  And the damage they inflict in the process will take incarnations to heal.”
“Not if they forgive as your prophet Jesus suggests.”
“None of this supposed forgiveness would be necessary if you and your kind had not initiated the process in the first place”
“You would rather the Greys had died out for lack of a heart chakra and the dna it implies?
“In a word, yes.  Species die out continually, especially when they have served their purpose.  It’s no great loss.  Their spirits can always incarnate in other life streams.”
“You would condemn them, then, to extinction.”
“I would suggest they taste the karma of their own choices, made so long ago, instead of deferring their fate with genetic experimentation.”
“You are cruel sir. You show no compassion.”
“I fight fire with fire and I speak with the wrath of the righteous.  Compassion is received when it is deserved.”
“Compassion is always deserved.”
“You demean the spiritual laws of this planet when you speak from cynical self-interest, and I dismiss you from my presence.”
With this he faded, but I knew my victory was hollow.  The hybrid breeding program was so advanced by this point, into its third generation at least as far as I could tell, that there was literally no turning back.  Whether the hybrids would survive the vibrational increase of the ascension process remained to be seen, however.  As many physically alive humans would not either, I tried not to have preferences on the matter.
I put a thought out for John.  He appeared smiling.  Well, wasn’t this all so fascinating, he seemed to be saying.  His colleagues in abduction research would just be amazed.  I sensed he wasn’t ready to leave, so I reminded him of the moving between focus levels methodology and bade him a fond farewell.
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Tim Furneaux
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Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #1 - Oct 17th, 2004 at 1:55pm
    Thanks for taking the time to write this down Gordon! Many fascinating elements in the total post: The Grey's heartless argument about compassion (appalling), your meeting with the Galactic Central bureaucrat, the initial contacts with John Mack... Great work Gordon; again, I appreciate the effort in documenting it.  Tim F.
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gordon phinn
Ex Member

Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #2 - Oct 18th, 2004 at 2:17pm
:     Thanks for taking the time to write this down Gordon! Many fascinating elements in the total post: The Grey's heartless argument about compassion (appalling), your meeting with the Galactic Central bureaucrat, the initial contacts with John Mack... Great work Gordon; again, I appreciate the effort in documenting it.  Tim F.

Glad you liked it Tim.  And according to the John Mack colleague I'm emailing there's lots more communications coming.  JM has been contacting folks all over and it sounds very much as if there's a grand plan behind it all.  More on this in the days to come.
I wonder Tim, might you have time to email me
(mooninjoon/yahoo) on another matter?
thanks, gordon
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Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #3 - Oct 17th, 2004 at 12:18pm
This is really wonderful, Gordon, you have found out in what seems
like a few minutes, things we were trying to find out for 15 years
that I was in Ufology. And it is consistent with other sources of
knowledge about aliens. It is a great relief to me to find this out
through you, to know something of what this is all about.

I hope that you appreciate how valuable your talents are, which go
way way beyond being a bus driver! And it is appropriate that a
shaman have a money-earning occupation that is at least manageable.
It is certainly great that you do take the trouble to write it out.

I agree very much with Mack's observation that he is astonished at
what is out there that people do not know about. This has always
been to me the single most conspicuous weird thing about the whole
setup of planet earth, that there is this huge separation between
this dimensions and the higher ones, such that whole supposed
spiritual institutions can grow up in spiritual ignorance.

Thank you much for your efforts and articulations.

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gordon phinn
Ex Member

Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #4 - Oct 18th, 2004 at 2:31pm
:  This is really wonderful, Gordon, you have found out in what seems
:  like a few minutes, things we were trying to find out for 15 years
:  that I was in Ufology. And it is consistent with other sources of
:  knowledge about aliens. It is a great relief to me to find this out
:  through you, to know something of what this is all about.

:  I hope that you appreciate how valuable your talents are, which go
:  way way beyond being a bus driver! And it is appropriate that a
:  shaman have a money-earning occupation that is at least manageable.
:  It is certainly great that you do take the trouble to write it out.

:  I agree very much with Mack's observation that he is astonished at
:  what is out there that people do not know about. This has always
:  been to me the single most conspicuous weird thing about the whole
:  setup of planet earth, that there is this huge separation between
:  this dimensions and the higher ones, such that whole supposed
:  spiritual institutions can grow up in spiritual ignorance.

:  Thank you much for your efforts and articulations.

:  Boris

Thanks for the very kind words Boris.  You have discriminating intelligence and I know you don't dish out praise like ice cream, so I'm quite gratified that the contact can give so much to you.  The idea for contacting alien spirits came to me first from Courtney Brown's first book "Cosmic Voyage"(1996).  He's one of the many remote viewers to write about his experiences.  He felt himself in contact with Jesus, Buddha, Galactic Central, the Martians and more.  Whether you agree with his take on things or no, I think you'll enjoy the book.  Plus friends who've been to Monroe in the last year or so have told me about the focus 35 "programme", so I was aware that quite a few had tried contact in that way, though I did not know much about what they experienced. I just used a focus 27 tape and boosted myself from there.  Of course Bruce has his tales of interacting there also.
Also it sure seems like JM is working away busily interacting with many mediums throughout the world, maybe to compile some irrefutable set of verifications.  There's already been several hits according to info I've received from the colleague of his who emailed me.
Anyway we'll see how it all unfolds !
cheers for now: gordon
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Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #5 - Oct 16th, 2004 at 11:18am
is this part of your next book Gordon? theres is so much here. I copied and pasted to print so I could meditate on it. theres soooo much here! it's lovely really. thank you so much. I didn't even have to purchase it. hey! love & gratitude, alysia
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gordon phinn
Ex Member

Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #6 - Oct 16th, 2004 at 2:14pm
: is this part of your next book Gordon? theres is so much here. I copied and pasted to print so I could meditate on it. theres soooo much here! it's lovely really. thank you so much. I didn't even have to purchase it. hey! love & gratitude, alysia

Glad you enjoyed it dear!  Umm, the sequel concentrates on me "recovering" obe-at-night stuff, but I'm thinking, yeah, maybe these daytime hemi-sync contacts (E. Kubler-Ross etc) should be there too.  You're right, there is a lot there, I wasn't expecting nearly so much.
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Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #7 - Oct 15th, 2004 at 8:32pm
That was a very interesting account Gordon. Thank you for posting it! I've always been fairly terrified of the gray aliens and the possibility of their reality ever since I saw a show about them as a kid. I don't claim any sort of personal experience with abduction or anything like that, but I've always been tremendously unsettled by the accounts of abductions I've heard. Their methods certainly do seem evil by human standards. I was curious what sources you have yourself used to form an opinion about them?
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gordon phinn
Ex Member

Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #8 - Oct 16th, 2004 at 2:18pm
: That was a very interesting account Gordon. Thank you for posting it! I've always been fairly terrified of the gray aliens and the possibility of their reality ever since I saw a show about them as a kid. I don't claim any sort of personal experience with abduction or anything like that, but I've always been tremendously unsettled by the accounts of abductions I've heard. Their methods certainly do seem evil by human standards. I was curious what sources you have yourself used to form an opinion about them?   

Sources?  How about a long standing intuitvely felt righteous rage that only partially resulted from seeing the suicide of an acquaintance who said he just couldn't take it any more (ie the abduction treatment). He said he was being maltreated by the Pleideans.
My feelings are not resolved, and maybe they should be.  I'm not suggesting anyone else should feel this way, I'm just trying to be upfront about it.
Again, I am not myself an abductee.
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Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #9 - Oct 16th, 2004 at 5:34pm
Well I've always had a strong dislike for them too ever since I saw the first hideous pictures on t.v. that scared the hell out of me for some reason. I think a large part of me would really prefer it if they didn't exist and it was all a big hoax. I don't know why I've always felt so strongly about them, most people who don't believe make fun of me about it, if I ever bring it up and those that do believe usually start thinking I might have been abducted, which again I've never had any indication is the case.

Anyway based on your post I think you must have educated yourself on the phenomenon much more then I. And what I was really wondering is if you could suggest some reading or some other source where someone like me could best find a greater understanding of the possible alien motives and activities. Most of what I know is based on T.V. and internet reading. I've never heard the term "Pleideans" for example.

Sorry to hear about your friend,
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Re: John E. Mack : contact 3 (conclusion)
Reply #10 - Oct 16th, 2004 at 8:26pm
: Well I've always had a strong dislike for them too ever since I saw the first hideous pictures on t.v. that scared the hell out of me for some reason. I think a large part of me would really prefer it if they didn't exist and it was all a big hoax. I don't know why I've always felt so strongly about them, most people who don't believe make fun of me about it, if I ever bring it up and those that do believe usually start thinking I might have been abducted, which again I've never had any indication is the case.

: Anyway based on your post I think you must have educated yourself on the phenomenon much more then I. And what I was really wondering is if you could suggest some reading or some other source where someone like me could best find a greater understanding of the possible alien motives and activities. Most of what I know is based on T.V. and internet reading. I've never heard the term "Pleideans" for example.

: Sorry to hear about your friend,
: Taylor

Hi Taylor. yea, nix on TV. the future offers much better TV shows (ha ha, went out and checked on that) I just wanted to share my daughter's story about an alien visitor because it was so inspiring to her and me both.
a little bit about my dana...for some reason she became a painter of aliens, has some very large paintings, mostly copies but of quite good color mixes. anyway to get to the dream, this wonderful alien with large eyes, long hair, typical skinny body, I really didn't pay much attention to what she said he looked like, she was certain he was from another planet though. I understand there are more than one variety of alien. well this was one of the "good" guys. all around were other students such as dana and he took his turn with each one to teach something specific to each. when he came to dana, he danced with her, they spun furiously round and round so she gasped for breath, of note was how much fun it was; she described that she felt her face was stretcing too much to make the smile, which is one incredibly large smile. then he drew her aside to show her a lovely box, decorative I believe; he open the lid as if to say this was her special treasure chest.  inside were geometric shapes of all colors. and that's about it. I think it had something to do with sacred geometry of which I've not studied. so I hope you can release your fears of aliens, because I believe what ACIM (A Course in Miracles) says; "nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists."
fear, essentially is an illusion.
love, alysia
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