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I got a few opinions on all of this so I hope i can remember and put them all out there to see what you guys think.
First of all about a physical exsistance after death, i believe this is so, well in a way. As in we still feel, my reasoning for this is when I have astral projected I have sometimes felt just like a physical person, i feel the ground underneath me, but we aren't physically limited I believe is the correct term because we can also fly out there which I have done and feel the wind? as I have been flying passing over me. However I didn't feel cold but out there I believe thoughts create reality so if i wanted to feel cold i could. But then again I am not truly "out there" as i still exsist here so maybe things will be different, but I'm sure we can still experience physical things here over there, its just we know it doesnt have to be so. Maybe a little experiement next time I porject will be to eat something lol, ill let you know the results when it happens.
That Derek bloke (sorry not sure of name) i don't have time for or believe, the things he comes up with are easily reasearched and the "being possesed" is an act I believe, i maybe wrong but on Haunted TV i don't think they find anything too amazing so get a ok-ish medium/actor and a nervous presenter to fill in the entertainment side.
I do like some people though, Gordon Smith i believe is genuine and the way he goes about sharing his gift reinforces this face. Also John Edwards, I don't believe being a showman is wrong, and kind of believe in a way he was destined to have his own TV show because look how far he can spread the message. And I sure as hell don't see him putting on any show, a simple studio with people in where he can use his abilities to help others.
I do also believe when we go to the afterlife we cannot hide thoughts/feelings and this does change us because who we really are is out there for everyone to see. Some people manage it in this lifetime to a certain extent and I always believe these are very advanced souls. I also believe though this we are more accepting and would like to believe everyone gets along with one another in a peaceful world.
I also believe however (and yes this does go agaisnt my last paragraph) that we do not suddenly change into someone else when we pass over. So if we are evil here I cannot see how we can become humble and loving over there, but maybe this is where we look over our life and learn and grow.
Also throws me onto another point, with reincarnation I can't get my head around how we can suddenly go over there and remember all our lifes and experiences as then we would HAVE to change, like instantly. Plus who are we then? I believe previous lifes influence out lifes here now, who we are, maybe karma as well and we can review them but we are who we are now when we pass.
Which leads me onto something else (sorry!), i like who i am now, to the extent that I always want to be me and wouldnt want to reincarnate and be someone else and never be me here now again...
Going to the sex topic on the boards recently, i believe it is possible and a physical exsistance is possible over there. But I do believe we can experience greater experiences of love which over time will take over the desire for sex. If we are all that we all out there, then we can love truly and be at one completly and give pure love/pull.
Also a big area is why we are here. And i truly believe to learn lessons, we are in a world where everything is what it is. Theres no changing (excluding subconcious influence), we are who we are, theres no real eveidence where we can honestly believe life after death (and i mean as a whole world thing), I can't put what I'm trying to say into words but hope its kinda coming across. The fact that we are "limited" here creates and environment where certain lessons are learnt. If we are in the afterlife we wouldnt be able to learn these and I believe we need to learn these to grow and advance spiritually.
which brings me to my last question - why the need to grow? I mean why not, we can reach a level where we are who we are and theres love and peace and we can enjoy without bad. And apprantly there are planes we can advance higher and higher through... but is there a top? And all this we all become one i find hard to accept because if we are all one, and this "thing" which we are all in has learnt all the lessons in this world/universe experience, what happens? Do we just sit there going hmmmmm... lol. I hope that comes across right.
Anyway apologises for the long posts, they put me off too but need to blow off some steam as I havent been posting on here for a little while.
Anyway like to hear what you think.
Speak to you all soon.