I genuinely like your posts. But I have to say, if you think of intent creating reality in terms of growing a new leg, you are way off. The common rules of our physcial reality are not easily broken (this is one criticism I have of Don's post about the morgue - although I feel we need more info. on the case).
Any true introspection will show that most of your immediate surroundings, acquaintences, vices and virtues can be traced directly to your thought. Fleeting conscious thoughts do not easily take seed in the universal subconscious or "field." True, repetetive focused thoughts with a feeling of finality (as if they had already occured) do. I can cite many examples in our own daily lives where this is provable.
You may then ask: well, what of tsunami's, suicide bombers, terrorists? The 911 victims didn't have being blown up in their game plan...I'd agree. There is some randomness in living in this real, dangerous physical plane.
I don't believe that consciousness creating reality can move the sun and moon; I do believe that what happens occurs at a quantum level. Our intention changes probabilities. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle - an electron's true position may be hard to tell; the flux that truly comprises what appears to be a stable world is, in my opinion directly influenced by thought. So, in changing probabilities, real outcomes are changed - within reason.
The components involved in changing reality include: belief (true belief) in your intention, repetition, the banishment of negative thoughts or counter-intentions (I think Kathy called them something like this), and the palpable feeling after you state the intention that it has already happened (this one is tricky). The intention directed changes work best when done in a positive loving manner, although I believe certain "black magic," may in fact be based on just the knowledge that thought written on the template of the subconscious can create powerful changes - always with consequences. I do not recommend this method for superficial reasons or personal gain without love.
I have had tremendous success with this, but not for personal gain. Still, I have seen effects usually within 3-7 days of meditating this way - sometimes in quite astounding ways.
Don, I don't know what experience you've had with this. EST always sounded phony to me back when I was a kid and the neighbors were being "actualized." I know you had become disenchanted with Holmes; I did as well, but I thank him for his writings. They rang more truly to me than did Seth - and had a bit of a how to theme to them (unlike Seth).
So for me, the exploration of consciousness and the verifications I have seen are an initial epiphany for me to banish my physical based training in the nature of reality (what Dave calls the primacy of matter). I believe that spirit/thought is real.
Don, you do sound a bit like an evangelist, wishing me to know God in a personal way. I'm sure that I believe in God (sorry Spitfire), but its true I can't say I have this personal relationship yet. However, if feeling deep in meditation that I connect to everything/all that is counts, then maybe I am on the right path.