happygrl, Matthew, Dave, Marilyn, and the rest of the family,
I feel really proud to be a part of a group who is questioning all things to do with being a practicing human. I too had my struggle with a non-physical individual when I attempted to do the PE in January and it was followed by “dreams” the following two Saturdays. But the first “nightmare”, for me was the most intriguing because of its realness. The other two had, I suspect, more to do with prophecies/undercurrents/perception concerning my work situation, which cumulated into a shakeup where we were coheresed into signing an “agreement”. Anyhow, my struggle with who/whatever in the first dream dissipated quickly by remembering experiences shared by Moen and Monroe in dealing with non-physical beings but this incident was short compared to your on going intrusion and reminds me of my clients.
In my field, working with individuals who have schizophania, especially those who can’t function and have additional substance abuse issues, whether they were born with the problem, got it later, or it developed thru the use of methamphetamines, etc., I notice that they might need assistance with recognizing that the intruders could possibly be more than the products of their local mind. At this time that assistance is not available to them. They have little support for that possibility or that they need tools and knowledge that will counteract the negative influences or support that their reality includes more than our physical world.
Since the goal of this board and your use of the pendulum, intend to make contact with non-physical aspects of others, or ourselves and then accepting that these expressions are real on the non-physical level, is essential. And by further acknowledging what we are attempting here is a non fear based level of inquiry to deal with all/any non physical relationships minus religious hang-ups or tunnel vision sometimes displayed in physical world/universe “only” science, we come ever further in expanding our knowing and knowledge base.
Other than that, Bruce’s tips of seeing it not there, remembering being loved or loving, having the belief that there is really nothing to fear except fear itself, or the infinity of other productive positive methods that can be used successfully, hold the key to working with or dissipating any non physical individuals. Either way healthy individuals like yourself and other contributors one the board are in the unique position of playing around with, contacting and interacting with anon-physical individuals whether they be aspects of ourselves or others, having them disappear/appear, incorporating them into ourselves, loving them, ignoring them and generally having them recognized and living to tell the tale.
Hopefully our hacking around and posting these shenanigans will help those who are not yet aware and seem to have little support for the possibility that they need tools and these tools are available (beyond exorcism, yadda, yadda, etc.) that will counteract obtrusive negative entities. Should they choose to become ridden of these influences or meet them on equal terms, they will have a pool of resources from which to draw from ordinary peoples stories, when they experience a psychosis, to add to those developed by the medical world and technology.
Keep us posted on how your doing with your “friend” as I can see, you have the primary concept well in hand, that there really is nothing to fear so the rest should be a piece of cake. And I send my 2cents with Love.