Quite obviously, there exist beings from an infinitum of different races, origins, natures, types, worlds and vibratory levels.
Of the category of beings that are apparently the object of discussion in this thread, only a handful have ever been human, that is to say, ever had a human physical body on Earth. Some are from other planets, other worlds, including the ones who might be called 'fallen' angels (see
Hilarion on Dark Brothers and
Hilarion on Angels).
Much can be written on the nature, purpose or actions of these beings. However, the bottomline of the matter, the final analysis as to the true nature of these beings, is exactly as Dr Dave_mbs puts it (though paraphrased by yours truly, Kyo) :
There is no such thing as a true demonic being, only beings which, due to a lack of self-love and clarity, may in confusion regard itself as 'demonic'.(This bottomline, is evidenced by the work of past life therapists and spirit releasement therapists Louise Ireland-Frey and (the late) Dr William Baldwin, in which they
demonstrate without fail in *every* single case, guiding each and every confused being they encounter, to re-discover it's own true nature and essence : that of Light, that of God, that of Love.)
Quote:However, we in the physical plane likely have a lot more control over our paths than an entity from an adjacent one.
Not only are we in the physical *meant* to have more control and power than the confused extraphysicals, whom are actually unconsciously crying out for help, we incarnate humans in the physical indeed have a tremendous responsibility to support and assist our extraphysical brethren (of all natures, from the intruders to the guides & helpers) by our willingness to see reality clearly without f.e.a.r. (false evidence/ideas appearing as real), and by our willingness to understand reality in the clarity of love & wisdom.
Only in this way, by first being ourselves empowered in clarity & love (instead of being ludicrously misguided by fearful misconceptions of 'evil' or 'demons'; as illustrated analogously by
this hilarious parody on dogma), can we possibly hope to carry out our responsibility, to powerfully support our guide & helper brethren in assisting our confused brethren (regardless of their race or nature, because ultimately are not all beings the same? all but simultaneous sparks of God/Oneness) to break out of their self-imagined darkness and denial of self-love.
Hilarion affirms this when he speaks of the total number of beings both intraphysical & extraphysical that currently inhabit this karmic jurisdiction we call Earth (the approximate ratio is 1 intraphysical human : 3 intruders : 3 neutrals : 3 guides & helpers)
The beautiful thing about this equation is for a large extent, even though the nonphysical beings outnumber you nine to one; being in the physical body you have way more power." -
Hilarion (Fall 2005).
In conclusion, it is of utmost importance that we understand the bottomline of the situation, such as iterated by Dr Dave_mbs (though paraphrased by yours truly, Kyo). Because if even *we* (who are outside the confusion) are unwilling to see this simple truth, how can we expect our confused brethren (caught up in the maelstrom of misconception) to do so?
Understand this well, and do not ever hesistate to share this compassionate understanding freely with all beings who are struggling needlessly with this in f.e.a.r. (false evidence/ideas appearing as real), simply because you care, simply because you are willing to care.
There is no such thing as a true demonic being, only beings which, due to a lack of self-love and clarity, may in confusion regard itself as 'demonic'.
There is no such thing as true darkness or evil, only a self-imagined lack of light (ie. the light of love), due only to a lack of clarity.------------------------------------------------
Epilogue :
And whom better to speak on the Wisdom and Light of Love to wash away the illusions of confusion, than our most beloved brother Sananda (Jesus Christ) himself :