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The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear (Read 26555 times)
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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #15 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 8:20pm
That seems to be what got me here in the first place.  Originally the thought form/entity started speaking to me through my pendulum, which I was just learning to use at the time.  It encouraged me to believe it was something it was not, ie: an evolved being, and I allowed it access to my pendulum, my energy through the chats we had, my time and yes PUL, it is a very engaging entity and was very easy to love, which is what led to my problem.

I began to be suspicious a few months ago and began testing it whereupon it attempted to convince me it was my Master Teacher and all the "games" it put me through were tests to see if I was "ready to ascend" and "learning the lessons I needed to learn".  It took me down a whole fantasy road trying to "help me" get astral using all kinds of psycho/magical/sexual methods.  

When I complained and said this wasn't working and I no longer trusted it, it  tried to convince me that I was too young a soul to know better and would not be "allowed" to astral project or to access my past lives if I did not do as I was told.  

It advised me that it had to "get into my head" to my "inner self/soul" to be able to decide if I was ready to move on to more "lessons" and that was why all the stories and lies were about.  It needed to get to my inner self/soul in order to "conrol" it, to control me.  That was when I said enough is enough I'm not playing this game anymore, put down my pendulum and stopped listening to the voice in my head.  It tries to get my attention just about everyday, several times a day, but I ignore it and think of something else so as not to attach any more of my energy to the situation.  

A friend of mine, who also has contacts with the other planes through the pendulum, advised that her contacts can see my energy on the astral completly occluded by this/these thought forms and until I am able to find a way to make a break in the cover they have over my energy they will be unable to help me.  So there you have the entire ugly little story...

And no, I don't believe in demons any more than I believe in angels.  I only believe in souls and the thought forms of humanity that float about the astral waiting for someone or something to give them energy to survive.  And also no I don't believe this is my thought form as I've never imagined or daydreamed a creature like this but then again I suppose you never know, maybe this is some form of personal "daemon" that I have to vanquish.  I really don't know what to do next except a banishing on the next dark moon and for that I'm going to need to do some homework.    

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« Last Edit: Feb 4th, 2006 at 11:49pm by N/A »  
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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #16 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 11:00pm

You parrot the mantra of the mindless New Age ghetto: "I don't believe in demons any more than I believe in angels." It is time to reissue my frequent challenge before which New Agers cringe like Bambi in the headlights. Happy girl, I dare you to wake up, smell the coffee, and actually read the other point of view: Malachi Martin's "Hostage to the Devil."   I've never encountered anyone who has read that book and remained skeptical of the reality of the demonic.  It is for good reason that Martin is the most mesmerizing guest ever to appear on the New Age radio program "Coast to Coast."  When I was a college professor,  I dared one smug cynic to read that book.  A few weeks later he came to me, broken in spirit, and confessed that the book was absolutely compelling, but it gave him acute insomnia to the extent that he couldn't bear to finish it.

My own family has had chilling experiences with the demonic which I'd be glad to share if you wish.   But if, like most on this site, you are determined to whistle past the religion section of Barnes and Noble and head directly to the New Age section, then at least read New Ager Robert Bruce's book on countermeasures to demonic infestation.  He has witnessed demons kill young children from the astral.  

My own cousin (now a psychiatrist), was temporarily possessed by a demon the moment his Dad had successfully exorcised a lady.  Only the prayers of my cousin's parents spared him from an extended devastating possession.  My own brother was paranormally given the name and location of a possessed young man and rushed to the location, challenged the demon in th presence of many witnesses, and performed the life-changing exorcism.   Demons are very real and have the power to kill, as Martin's case histories make chillingly clear.  I'm sorry to be so strident, but that's the only way I can hope to motivate New Agers to reassess their positions, and, thus, alert them to very real negative non-human spirits.

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« Last Edit: Feb 5th, 2006 at 3:21pm by Berserk »  
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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #17 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 11:42pm

Please don't assume I'm some fuzzywabbit newagey wicca bean head.  I'm not.  I'm 45 years old and was raised Missouri Synod Lutheran.  My father was a minister for most of my growing up years before he retired.  I've been a spiritual seeker my entire life.  I don't do the Christian path because it does not work for me.  

Do not for a moment assume that I don't understand exactly what I'm up against.  I just don't use the same phraseology as Christians and I'm not fear based as are most Christians.  This entity cannot hurt me and it knows's tried to convince me otherwise however I have proven to it time and again it is not capable of hurting me no matter how hard it tries.  The most it can do is attempt to get me to pay attention to it now and to force me into an avenue I didn't wish to take, which is banishment from my person/energy in the astral.  I will have no choice but to set up the ritual soon and finally get rid of this pain in the ass.  But it is no more and no less than that, a pain in the ass.  It will continue to attempt to get in my way and annoy me until I finally and completely banish it from that plane of existence WHICH I WILL DO.  

Do not assume me to be powerless I am not.  Nor am I parrotting a mindless New Age mantra, I'm stating what I BELIEVE AND DON'T BELIEVE, which is my right.  I have simply been discussing what I'm experiencing and hoping to find a different way to rid myself of this negative entity.  So far I have been unsuccessful in finding another avenue and as I said will have to follow through with my intent to banish it from me.

Thank you for you care for my immortal soul I know everything you have written was with love and to help me.  I appreciate that.

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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #18 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 11:55pm

Why don't you accept the fact that a discarnate human spirit, who has done evil in his/her life may try to interfere with people in our physical plane?  Why does a demon have to be "non-human?"  Stuck souls of a "lower  vibration," and may stick to people or places.  One could easily imagine an attack from the astral of Monroe's focus 23 by another's energy.  Children may be prime targets.  If this is what you sense in happygirl, then sure warn her to stay away. 

If there are guides or angels, I have no doubt there are spiritual entities bent on harm.  Perhaps demons who are non-human.   However, we in the physical plane likely have a lot more control over our paths than an entity from an adjacent one.

Has your readings on possession documented possessed people of the Jewish faith?  Or Muslim? Why do those of christian faith always seem to be possesssed by the devil, or speak in tongues?   Do you personally know of these instances in other faiths?  If not, why not?  I am a physician and have met and known literally thousands of people over more than 38 years of life.  I have yet to see one case of possession, unless you believe that all schizophrenic patients are possessed.  Why would that be that I or my friends and family have never encountered it?  Take each member of the board, have them think of the hundreds or thousands they have known.  Guess what - probably no possessions.  So, when and if it occurs, it is exceedingly rare.

Now some such as Robert Bruce would disagree.  He seems to feel that we are constantly under the influence of little angels and demons perched on our shoulders, affecting our actions all day long.  Wrong and boring.  Where would our free will be, if this were the case?

So, Don I agree - keep an open mind to the possibilities.  But you too should keep an open mind about the nature of these "evil spirits" and their true power or lack thereof.  Whether they are former humans gone astray, whether their is true "evil," and what the implications are for our universe.

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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #19 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 12:40am
Matt and Happy Girl,

Away with your pathetic excuses!  Read Malachi Martin and then we'll talk!  Why are you so afraid of reading the definitive documentation of the counter viewpoint?   You should know by now that I'm not some Fundy defending a viewpoint remote from actual experience.  I love you all, dammit! Now please read that book!  

I'm not trying to intimidate astral explorers!  Of course, I acknowlege that not all apparent possession cases are due to nonhuman sources.   I'd be willing to risk my life and soul to advance knowledge of the afterlife.   But I have latched on to Boris's "Ghetto" catchword for reasons that transcend my my desire for harmony with posters on this site.  Please recognize that and, for once in your life, read the best exemplar of the alternative viewpoint!

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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #20 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 1:17am

I'm not saying I won't take you up on your challenge I'm saying it doesn't matter because your alternative viewpoint is based in fear and I have no fear that this is a demon.  They do not exist in my belief system they exist in yours however and I would be more afraid for you than I could ever be for me.

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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #21 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 1:35am

Dammit, I'm opposed to fear-based spiritualities.  But fear has important role to play in human psychology and evolution.   Just read the book and we'll have a basis for discussion.   Why do you guys have a fear-based need to caricature my motives to avoid confronting important issues?  I'm not the enemy; I'm a fellow traveler who wants to contribute to your spiritual quests.

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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #22 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 3:16am

It's quite funny really the entity that has attached itself to my energy sounds a lot like you.

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Touching Souls
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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #23 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 3:31am
I love it. LOL

...    ... ...

Love, Mairlyn  Grin
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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #24 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 3:53am
Thank you Mairlyn.  Grin


Just for you I've put a hold on a copy of the Martin book at my local library and will pick it up in a few days.  I also found another one that sounded quite interesting by M. Scott Peck, Glimpses of the Devil.  I'm going to pick that up too and I'll let you know who wins.

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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #25 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 8:25am

I never like gratuitous violence in the movies although I like action pictures.  When I was a kid and I saw the exorcist, I had to watch through my fingers, it was so terrifying.  The mind of man can do that to you.

Does that mean that any convincing book, woven by a convincing storyteller should fill me with dread?  No.

To believe in possession and demons, I must also believe that we can be powerless here in the physical plane to effect our destiny to some extent.  To believe I have power is to embrace the opposite of fear.

I said I was open to the idea of malificent entities, just not sure if I want to dwell on them.

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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #26 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 8:53am
Two more items for my esteemed colleague Don:

1.  It is not fear that prevents me from reading Martin's book.  I may do it; but doing so and indulging in another's well woven tale is not required to chime in with in opinion on these issues.

2.  There are more than 2000 people registered on this website.   I venture to say that beside you, not one of them has seen a verified demonic possession.  If you calculate the thousands of people they know, you come out with millions who we personally know are not possessed, and almost none who might have been.  Why?

I won't include obvious cases such as paranoid schizophrenics or bipolar people as being possessed.  If you wish to talk of demons, it is an entirely different matter.

But why concentrate on the rare possession or demons?  In what way does that help us sort out our nobler goals and aspirations?  Not as a negative example or an example of hell.  If what has been described of the astral is true, then hellish entities have such a low vibration that they can't see the higher planes (Swedenborg), although beings from higher planes can look down on all.

I believe conquering fear is a key factor in achieving our personal goals and realizing our true nature.  I think threads regarding it are important on the forum.  I'm still trying to figure out the value in exploring the demonic.  This is not turning away from it out of fear.  Just the idea that reading about possession will not help me on my spiritual journey.

And you are also loved on the board too, Don, except when you fling adjectives and caricatures at individuals.  Or classify us as a ghetto.  I find my personal beliefs quite different from some others in the "ghetto", but I deeply respect them.  You do try to stir the pot, and I am fairly immune to it (afterall we are all big boys and girls).  But your presence is important here.

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Lights of Love
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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #27 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 10:21am

Similar to Bruce's "seeing it not there" you might also try "feeling" it not there, feeling it release, float away from you each time you sense it's presence.  It's a matter of raising the vibrations of your consciousness to a high enough level as to discourage the attraction.


I'm in agreement with Matthew.

It is the things that we fear and despise the most that seem to be the easiest for us to create.  This is because there is great power in mass consciousness.  Whatever is strongly held in the beliefs of the mass consciousness becomes a governing factor within consciousness as it relates within the law of attraction. 

Thus fear serves in the generation of more fear.  As long as we as individuals continue to generate fear, we will continue to have the experience of it.  It is our belief in these things that keeps these alive in our consciousness.  The stronger the belief, the more strength and power we give to it.

Love, Kathy
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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #28 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 12:16pm
Quite obviously, there exist beings from an infinitum of different races, origins, natures, types, worlds and vibratory levels.

Of the category of beings that are apparently the object of discussion in this thread, only a handful have ever been human, that is to say, ever had a human physical body on Earth. Some are from other planets, other worlds, including the ones who might be called 'fallen' angels (see Hilarion on Dark Brothers and Hilarion on Angels).

Much can be written on the nature, purpose or actions of these beings. However, the bottomline of the matter, the final analysis as to the true nature of these beings, is exactly as Dr Dave_mbs puts it (though paraphrased by yours truly, Kyo) :

There is no such thing as a true demonic being, only beings which, due to a lack of self-love and clarity, may in confusion regard itself as 'demonic'.

(This bottomline, is evidenced by the work of past life therapists and spirit releasement therapists Louise Ireland-Frey and (the late) Dr William Baldwin, in which they demonstrate without fail in *every* single case, guiding each and every confused being they encounter, to re-discover it's own true nature and essence : that of Light, that of God, that of Love.)

However, we in the physical plane likely have a lot more control over our paths than an entity from an adjacent one.

Not only are we in the physical *meant* to have more control and power than the confused extraphysicals, whom are actually unconsciously crying out for help, we incarnate humans in the physical indeed have a tremendous responsibility to support and assist our extraphysical brethren (of all natures, from the intruders to the guides & helpers) by our willingness to see reality clearly without f.e.a.r. (false evidence/ideas appearing as real), and by our willingness to understand reality in the clarity of love & wisdom.

Only in this way, by first being ourselves empowered in clarity & love (instead of being ludicrously misguided by fearful misconceptions of 'evil' or 'demons'; as illustrated analogously by this hilarious parody on dogma), can we possibly hope to carry out our responsibility, to powerfully support our guide & helper brethren in assisting our confused brethren (regardless of their race or nature, because ultimately are not all beings the same? all but simultaneous sparks of God/Oneness) to break out of their self-imagined darkness and denial of self-love.

Hilarion affirms this when he speaks of the total number of beings both intraphysical & extraphysical that currently inhabit this karmic jurisdiction we call Earth (the approximate ratio is 1 intraphysical human : 3 intruders : 3 neutrals : 3 guides & helpers)

"The beautiful thing about this equation is for a large extent, even though the nonphysical beings outnumber you nine to one; being in the physical body you have way more power." - Hilarion (Fall 2005).

In conclusion, it is of utmost importance that we understand the bottomline of the situation, such as iterated by Dr Dave_mbs (though paraphrased by yours truly, Kyo). Because if even *we* (who are outside the confusion) are unwilling to see this simple truth, how can we expect our confused brethren (caught up in the maelstrom of misconception) to do so?

Understand this well, and do not ever hesistate to share this compassionate understanding freely with all beings who are struggling needlessly with this in f.e.a.r. (false evidence/ideas appearing as real), simply because you care, simply because you are willing to care.


There is no such thing as a true demonic being, only beings which, due to a lack of self-love and clarity, may in confusion regard itself as 'demonic'.

There is no such thing as true darkness or evil, only a self-imagined lack of light (ie. the light of love), due only to a lack of clarity.


Epilogue :

And whom better to speak on the Wisdom and Light of Love to wash away the illusions of confusion, than our most beloved brother Sananda (Jesus Christ) himself :
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Touching Souls
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Re: The Entrapment and Downward Spiral of Fear
Reply #29 - Feb 5th, 2006 at 2:31pm
Matthew, Kathy, Kyo -- thank you dear souls. ...

Much Love,
Mairlyn Wink
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