You see.
We cant see radio waves, but we can construct devices which can, We can see the affects of radiowaves - aka voices coming through a reciever.
Thus we can actually sense the affects of radio waves, we can reproduce radio waves, therefore it physically exists.
We can sense wind, we feel it on our skin. We see it's affects, we can reproduce it.
Dogs have better hearing, better smell, better sight, then humans - it's only natural they would sense things before us.
Laws of nature does'nt = anti spiritual. Lack of evidence = anti spiritual.
the evidence for the afterlife sucks, it's not easily reproducable. 99% of all psychics are complete talentless frauds who cant achieve anything without lieing.
obe's/nde's all sound like dreams. Which are constructed based upon the beliefs of the person under the experience.
Science works through reproducable experiments.
Psychics work off psychology, they mess with ur mind. Slap them in an experiment and they crumble.Just like most who claim to visit the afterlife.
So in the entire world theres a few hundred people with ability's which question science.... and only a couple of them who step forward to be tested.
Thus the evidence sucks, thus scientists dont believe in it.
And btw, if you like god, check out this website
www.evilbible.comMost people forget to read the small print on the bottom of there bible.