Quote:We could say we are all "immortal" in the sense that we truely never cease to exist. I mean thats what being immortal is right?
Too right mate... but 'imagnize' this....
Looking at the Field of Consciousness that Bruce talks about, and other metaphysical source have talked about...
On one end of the spectrum, you have what we might call pure Consciousness, energy that is extremely, extremely expanded, very, very, very fast vibrating, and 'light' in nature....
This end of the spectrum can be said to be almost purely positive charged (purely active and expansive in nature)....
And say we could relate this to pure Light energy, and this energy birthed or created Soul/Mind, which is individual units of this pure Light stuff, all within this One field...
Within these individual units, there is this pure positive charge of energy (the one that wants to expand), yet a knowledge of the original state of being of the One point of light before it 'moved' within itself.... at one point is was purely passive, unmoving, unchanging, and contractive... Then it 'exploded' outward/inward and its Light continually 'spread' from the center (not necessarily literally)...
So these units have within them the original memory of the negative state, call it a balancer, or dark womb of creation....
But for whatever reason, some of these, actually a very large group of these individual units while expressing their Source natures, start to unbalance these once perfectly balanced polarities within themselves....
This then created, or more aptly seemingly manifested the 'opposite' 'end' of the Field of Consciousness--matter, physicality which is the negative, contractive, very dense and slow vibrating waves of energy (which take on the appearance of having 'particles')...really just condensed Light energy... As Einstein showed in his famous formula, matter is really just concentrated pure energy...
Roughly in the middle, is the 'mediating' force we could call Soul or Mind force...
Now, these individual units having unbalanced themselves (for whatever reason), have an innate desire to seek that original balance so that they can know Source again.. Source is like an automatic magnet for these units, yet there is an self imposed 'opposing' force....
To correct this balance, perhaps each unit, must rasise the physical, matter, more negative polarized energy to the state of pure Light again? In doing this, it is fully restored to its original state, cause it has acheived that perfect balance with the projected negative--matter force, and the pure consciousness--positive force....
Perhaps this is the meaning behind Yeshua's Resurrection? And the process of raising the bodily vibrations to pure Light, or pure Consciousness is what created the image on the Shroud of Turin?
Some Physicists have theorized that an immense, but very short lived, light--heat radiation is what singed the Shroud with the negative image...
So maybe now Dr. J has attributes of both 'body' and pure Spirit?
Maybe that is our destiny? But, maybe we have to become totatally filled with that balancing, cohesive creating energy that some call PUL first? Maybe this is what corrects that imbalance we temporarily manifested?
Also relate the above Trinity of matter--primary negative state of energy, mind/soul--potential balance of positive and negative charge, and spirit--primiarly positive charge to the 3 main Chakras in the body...
The 1st Chakra, the base of the Spine would represent matter/negative charge, the Crown--pure positive charge, and the Heart--the seeking of balance between the two...
Or the Aum, or AhhOhhMmmm vibration, A the Feminine princple of birth, positive out of pure negative... Light out of darkness, and...
O, or U representing Heart, the potential and necessary balance for the individual unit (who will always be 'individual' or self conscious to some degree)...
And Mmm the nuclear process of releasing form back into Spirit, or pure positve, ever expanding energy... or 'matter annihilator" vibration...
This is why this particular Toning is so powerful...it literally activates and stimulates these 3 Powerhouse Centers, the balancing points of the 7, it mimics this creational process vibrationally....
Or look at the word from the Hebrew term "atonement'... Break it up... At-One-Ment...
So yeah, i very much believe in 'physical' immortality too, biblically you could say it is the redemption of the fall, though it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, neither was it a 'good' thing...seems to be to have been a pretty 'neutral' thing, except for the fact that the individual units seem to suffer while they have cut themselves off from awarenss of Source, of Home, of the One....
Suffering is not desirable in my book, but that might yet be a human belief system i will eventually trancend, yet why the activity of so many who are Source realized on behalf of us who choose to look the other way.... Maybe since we're all connected, our suffering does affect them on some level, and it is their natural inclination, desire, and very need to try to help us remember our original state of being?
Anyways, just some food for thought....
Ta Nah Sen y'all