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Choose this Day
Posts: 5249
This is a goodbye speech. sorry if it’s so long..but I’ve turned into a writer in the last few years, so what do you expect? writers have a lot of words; sometimes empty, sometimes full of meaning. Like I said before, thanks Bruce, you gave me a place to blossom. I’ll never forget you and Rosalie for concieving of an internet space where retrievers could compare notes and get better at it. And where the broken hearted could come and ask that single most important question “will I ever see my beloved again?” Does life continue? It’s these I wanted to comfort because I have my knowing about that. I’ve known since I was 18. It’s all in the book. Bruce and his friends know too. Why do you think Bruce would put up a board unless he wanted you all to know this too? How unselfish is that? To give humanity a place to dance and brawl and even sometimes touch each other in joy of having found like minds. I’m calm and happy and sad all at the same time, but I need to get something off my chest. I guess I had the wrong idea here. I thought that this board was to talk about Bruce’s books and about retreiving and paranormal experiences that turn into normal experiences and about being respectful to each other. I hardly ever hear someone say wow, Bruce, you wrote some fine books and what about this point or that point, or; this happened to me and I wanted to share, to see if it happened to another, and btw, it’s great to find you guys. I don’t hear much of that lately. I don’t hear spirit talking anymore to me here. except to say all good things end. I did say to spirit a lot, not my will, but yours, tell me where you want my feet to go, tell me what you want my lips to say and spirit said go to Afterlife Knowledge Conversation back in 2001. was happy as a pig in mud. Now it’s ending.
I just want to remind all the testosterone driven energy here whose house you’ve slipped into as you prepare to dual wits with one another. this aint no church. This is a basin of humanity and pigs fly here; or at least they think they can. At the same time that we got a town here with everything, keep in mind to study books of all sorts, don’t just express a long list of questions a mile long and expect to get your enlightenment in this place all at once..if ever. You do your own soul work. Keep in mind somebody has allowed you a place to speak your mind a bit too freely, and keep in mind it’s not your due that another read you; it’s an honor if they read you at all. If they take the time to respond to you, thats an honor too. So try to be kind to each other is all I’m saying. Haven’t seen much human kindness overflowing here as I said. There’s some strong lights that are here; they are balanced polarity. I don’t need to point them out. They know who they are. I trust these balanced ones to be gentle and give hope to the ones who come here wishing to believe. It was these hopeful ones who asked after their departed ones who always made my day, if they took my word on the subject seriously and sometimes they did, so we uplifted each other; theres no other reason to live my p.o.v. than to uplift one another or to make a friend.
I’m becoming balanced more each day, so I assume its that way for all. but mostly I was born the passive polarity: I’m the other half of the unit who cleans house and prepares a meal in the kitchen; I raise your kids and have to go to you for money if I need it or get out in the world and make my own money AND raise the kids. If u get angry and can’t find the dog to kick, u can take it out on me because my energy generally is not aggressive. Keep in mind spirit has donned these polarity’s not permanent. if you’ve been abusive, I’ve agreed to be abused..but once we get on the other side, you’ll feel the same feelings you’ve caused another to feel; so why not start getting in balance now, not wait for death to tally up the score sheet to see who owes who what?
It’s not going to be a man’s world in the future guys, so get used to it. It’s going to be a man AND a woman’s world in perfect balance and synchronicity. All I’m saying it’s ok for men to express their softer side, their feelings while being whatever, manly...cough..balance in all things..moderation of lip-flapping.
I say all this because some of the guys here are flat out insensitive to feelings in their hunger for knowledge; they think the intellect rules supreme. They may have been taught to stuff their feelings by society which thinks such is not manly to express. they bluster and preen, forgetting it is the polarity which causes them to preem in the first place. so don’t be thinking your witty intellectual exchanges here come from having a balanced perspective.Maybe something like a miracle can happen on this board and in the world if we just keep uniting in our common purposes to give each other a little space and not destroy someone elses thoughts and/or expression of a feeling.
this is mostly off topic, yet my complaint is we often get off topic; sometimes it’s good to get off topic, other times, it’s rude to get off the topic that someone started and so far off that you wind up talking about yourself personally and forget to tie it all together, what was the original thread? then the original poster has a feeling. wow, consider that! a feeling! who’d a thunk? Give the original poster a break. They came there with a question to explore, or maybe they just want someone to recognize that they are alive and sharing your space, or a story they have. for pete’s sake, let them have their own thread unmolested by drivel, slander, whatever else. You got something to say, make your own thread in that case. it’s up to you to glance up to the topic and ask yourself am I giving what was asked for to life? or am I getting off track with my own tunnel vision? am I board hogging or am I reading others? Is there someone here today that needs me? Can I serve someone? or does one here have a message for me?
I’m going to post this, but not sure I’ll be back to read any response although I wish to say how much I LOVE (oh, no, I’m expressing a sappy feeling, somebody stop me!) I LOVE LOVE LOVE these people more than I love the others so I’m clearly unbalanced still: Doc, Dave, Spooky, Sasuke, (sorry, it’s hard for me to remember your spelling) George, Jean, Mairlyn, Kyo, can’t think of offhand all the many who have come and gone and may still be lurking whom have touched my spirit in some way, so sorry if I left out your name. I’m sure I’ll remember sometime all of these; I’ve been here so long, it’s hard to remember. One I will remember clearly is Bruce, and so beseech you all to remember the founder here respectfully, whatever else your intentions are for being here.
it’s been real. also, this just my experience, I'm sure everybody has a different experience and that's the way it's supposed to be. see ya all on the other side someday. alysia