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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 596
Missoula, Montana
***************** Where are the born "brain dead"? ie, what focus?
Did they choose to enter this life in such a state?
Darwin taught us about evolution. His findings suggest that interaction within and around time causes change and mutation. This could explain why we (humans, animals, plantation and environment ) have differences within our own species and geography?
Before we enter this "reality" do WE unerstand and choose to accept whatever "mother nature" dishes up?
I welcome your comments.
regards, TonyA ***************** I would prefer to believe that reincarnation is true, and that such fetuses were NOT entered into by a spirit at all... that "anencephalic monsters" (babies born without a brain, ect.) are just meat shells... bodies without "soul" or "spirit." In other words, "spirits", looking for a new "suit of clothes", as it were... saw the fetus was not developing properly and AVOIDED it. (What learning experience would there be to be had, from being born brain dead? (Sorry about the tongue-twister there..!) This would (necessarily!) imply that life does NOT begin at conception like the Vatican states, but at a later stage of fetal development - when the brain "comes online", perhaps. (This would have some major implications in the abortion debate, BTW...) Hope that was useful,