Near as I can figure it, we are what we take with us. Our true nature, that of awareness/consciousness is not limited by a body. However, we all have different attachments to the human form - for some of us, it is quite strong.
This melting into oblivion is not that at all. If you have an awareness, and individuality, it goes with you, whether you are in an etheric body much like your own, or you are just a focus of light. You do not, as some often ruminate about, become a mindless drone or a Borg from Star Trek. What all NDEs and communications say, that seem real are the same: you are still you. I suspect that if you fancy your body, you will likely be slow to give up one in the hereafter.
I also suspect that as we expand our consciousness, the nature of our etheric bodies blurs, and we lose the need to have defined physiques. This is my personal take on people who are moving toward the divine. I have even heard it said that bodies continue to be shed, like our mortal ones here on higher planes of existence. The whole notion of higher or lower planes of consciousness is hotly debated, howver.
So I think you will likely take a body with you, if it suits you.