no need to thank me for your memories. heh
but you said:
"I'd ask why the long face Raz but I'm scared to..."
in past tense, what were you scared I would say?
I thought that was wierd that your scared of what i would say...
i mean, doing this
to a quote about 'a cosmic awakening to stardust kisses'....i know what your thinking...that im thinking youve dropped acid or something, or are riding a magic bus of somesort...but hey, i did think that when i read that statement, and that seemed to be the proper emoticon for the expression on my face when i read that statement. so there you go.
heres the words as I wrote them: "cosmic awakening kiss to ourselves as stardust."
not the way you wrote them "cosmic awakening to stardust kisses.."
you put your own meaning on it and changed it. there were no stardust kisses..that's entirely different meaning.
we are the stardust and so is everyone stardust. that was the meaning I wished the reader to see. we are not the planet, we are the dust from the planet and if we come together, we form the planet itself. if not we can waste our time here arguing over our divine right to our opinion that someone is on acid, so they must need this pointed out that they are taking drugs to our perception, to write such a thing. to what purpose would that serve? that you may be right? and if I were on acid, do u care?
I'm not wanting to stir up a hornets nest to respond to a negative comment.
I truly wanted to know if you were sad because I don't want to make someone sad and that wasn't my point in writing what I wrote, so I was surprised to see a little sad icon. I see you were baiting me, and I took the bait. now that you've gotten a rise out of me, is there anything else you want from me? if I had it to give, I suppose I would give it. I suspect if I questioned your icon this conversation would occur. and it's not conducive to the board's well being and not on topic, that's why I said I was scared.
it's ok if u want to put me down by saying I'm on a magic bus or on acid. truth is I AM on a magic bus and loving it. my acid dropping days are done with.
now, with that divulgence which is equally off topic and benefits no one, lets let this thread die a natural death..I was just trying to share something that was beautiful for me, geez...
what a bummer to be misunderstood...
maybe I can do something about the words...to make it acceptable and understood..maybe not, but I like to write about astral journies and will continue; you may have a valid point that I seem unreal and maybe even like a goofy person..hmm. theres really alot of goofy people to keep me company here, you as one for example.
ah...the real romance is with the written word and how it can effect us..is it not?
I'll try the KISS method..keep it simple silly, that way you can't be misunderstood.
back to the book with that consideration. bye now..ah...the sweet obsession with forumitis..I just know it's going to kill me soon, then I will be riding the magic bus for certain! ps. I wish everyone here adventure, love in your life, and never a dull moment whether you are dead or alive...or I mean non/physical or physical..2006 is almost here and we are still riding the waves...
my new years resolution is to try not to obsess over this board's up and down energy coming in. Some of the comments made are totally unnecessary. I may have to start doing a lot of scrolling by and being very selective in order to maintain my own purposes..just to appreciate your comments and a sense of being together in support of each other one and all.