PUL is the highest form of Love, synonomous with God/All There Is. It is an energy. It is a force. It has intelligence. It can be projected to someone from a distance (distance is actually irrelevant) or given to someone personally in an hands-on way for healing or as a way to show someone how much you love them in the deepest way possible that words cannot describe.
It is ultimately what everything is made of, here and there.
It is a subjective experience; describing it circumscribes it at the same time.
It is all emcompassing. It is the meaning of life; it is life itself.
It is how we are all connected, and to be aware of this connection with just one person is still a very beautiful thing.
It should be the goal of all interpersonal relationships. Between say, spouses, it elevates their relationship past the normal, personality (compatibility) based mode to a highly spiritual experience, a light between them and to those around them.
It is mystical, magical, and at the same time as real as anything real can be.
It is the goal, the pinnacle, the apex of spirituality.
It is the barometer of truth.
It is love that is kind, patient, even-tempered, unconditional, pure. It is most often seen in small children. It surpasses emotional or physical love.
I agree that it's most complete and fullest expression cannot be felt while in C1 awareness, but we can experience it in a lucid dream. I did. Even so, we can still experience powerfully while physical and share it with others.
It is a Love that is big enough to make us happy because it isn't diminished by being shared
It is why we are here. To learn PUL. To become as Christ/Bhudda/Krishna - like as possible.
It is the meaning and purpose behind all true religious expression.