I think it is a great service to retrieve someone if another has asked, and you even said so Firebug
so would u consider this service to be like PUL?
after all, Blink didn't expect anything back from you.
ok, I have a story this reminds me of..
couple years back this person on this board pm me to ask me do a retrieval. his girlfriend had just died; I forget what from. suicide possibly. since I could tell how very sad he was to be parted from her, I thought I'd try to retrieve, as seemed he had faith in me. (I didn't, have belief in me to do it)
surely, when using the imagination method, you don't think retrievers just are produced fully developed with complete self confidence in their abilities? no way!
mostly, this is a site where we are promoting a "do it yourself, and get off my back" sort of philosophy..but people get to you sometimes, in the heart area..you're like, oh, all right! I'll do it! well, I always do my disclaimer first, that they won't sue me or worse if I get it wrong
I think back then I was just in an experimental mode with retrieving, I was trying everything..remote viewing, PE, retrievals, I even ran over and peaked at Bruce as he set up a table for some of his group..that was neat..Bruce saw me there and I was embarrassed..he was like grinning too, asking me why embarrassed..you feel so naked out there sometimes..I was a shy retriever..nothing wrong with that
back to the point..I grew a lot when people asked me to do retrievals..when there was something in it for me (don't u relate now mr. fling fire?) ha ha! yes, why should I participate if I don't know if theres a benefit? well, the benefit would be at first for the person who asked me, if indeed, then if I got a hit...and I got enough hits by trying so that I continued and the hits come more frequently if you continue on to try.
this particular time I used the imagination method although my favorite is to set an intention and go to sleep and see if it comes true. Bruce was always working it to get us to use the imagination however we can be resistant naturally to new ideas.
so, anyhoo, this gal was young I was observing in the imagination. I saw her shopping on the other side! not kidding! shopping..what the hey....they shop on the other side? why wasn't she in some classroom? my interpretor said she <should> be in some classroom. I had found her in the astral where anything goes..it's just a duplicate of this world after all. apparently, she liked big cities, liked living in that vibration of hustle and bustle and dressing in style. what's more I noticed her vibrant muscular body. this was my hit about her body. turns out she was into going to the gym alot while alive. I verified this with the other party. however, he was not uplifted with my message or my so-called retrieval, and I had wanted him to be relieved of his sadness. see, I couldn't do this. all I could share was what I saw and was given, and all this through the dubious use of the new exploration tool of the imagination.
I was satisfied, but he wasn't. then I knew, well, ok, I'm not convincing anyone there is an afterlife this way, the dude has to do it himself! oh, I did pick up on her attitude a little..she didn't miss her boyfriend yet, all this was so new to her, to be there, to be able to "shop" anytime she wanted. she had not been long on the other side and I noted this adjustment period where she acclimated herself through "normal" pleasurable activities in her own way. of course, boyfriend was suffering. he didn't want to hear this either. he missed her, he wanted to know she still loved him. usually they do love the people they left behind on earth, and become aware of that love sooner or later and try to communicate it..but when they're ready...not when you're ready...when they are ready. think of it...you just died and theres this mild shock that you are in another dimension..you're gonna be wrapped up in your own world for awhile with the wonder that you've survived death!
give them time, be patient, it's not all about what <you> need from them...as for my husband he needed about two weeks before he was ready to visit me. I had to let him be selfish. I knew he'd show up sooner or later, as he'd promised. some people keep their promises. the PUL is there, just needs a little watering and attending to once in awhile.
ok, thanks for the ramble