Warm greetings to DocM, Gerald, and all,
Quote:The holocaust was wrong. Apartheid in South Africa was wrong. Ethnic cleansings and killings are wrong. They do not stem from differences in religious beliefs but they do arise from sick and twisted minds filled with hate.
To be precise :
The holocaust was anti-cosmoethical. Apartheid in South Africa was anti-cosmoethical. Ethnic cleansings and killings are anti-cosmoethical.
(for a deeper look at cosmoethics,
see here).
As such, they can be viewed as 'wrong', 'incorrect' or inappropriate (ie. not accordance to will) for individuals who choose to align themselves with cosmoethics, with positive evolution, assistantiality, compassion, guides & helpers, light and love.
But they are not 'wrong', 'incorrect' or inappropriate for individuals who choose 'darkness', difficulty, or to create negative karma for themselves, for whatever reason that might be perceived from a higher viewpoint as 'misguideness' (not 'wrong').
Thusly, from a more enlightened perspective, there is no objective or static 'right' or 'wrong', but only (what can be understood as) 'appropriate' or 'inapporpriate', 'helpful' or 'unhelpful', 'cosmoethical' or 'anti-cosmoethical'. But these again, can and does vary, from individual/perspective to individual/perspective, and correctly so.
However, as we move up the evolutionary ladder, in terms of intelligence, wisdom, widening of perspective, light and love, it is recognized that the more advanced beings, guides & helpers, and all beings of higher vibration, begin to come to a general consensus (due to contribution and inter-networking of perspectives amongst them) as to what is cosmoethical, what is helpful, and so on.
An analogy might be a dozen 10 yr old kids that arrive at 10 different answers to a complex engineering problem. But a dozen learned professors, would mostly agree on the same way as to interpret, approach and solve the problem, and hence come closer to a general consensus for a similar solution.
Such a solution, might be argued to be the 'right' solution, and the 10 yr old kids' ideas to be 'wrong'; but compared to a thousand years into the future, the solution offered by today's professors, would likely pale in comparison to the (more 'correct'?) solutions offered by the professors of the future.
This is why, from the perspective of the guides & helpers, there is no 'right' or 'wrong', only actions/intentions/thosenses/karma, that is perceived, understood or recognized (general consensus of the guides & helpers) as being helpful or unhelpful, cosmoethical or anti-cosmoethical.
Of course, even such, is not absolute or objective, naturally. The individual guides & helpers of any level, will naturally ('rightly!') unique perspectives amongst themselves (the beauty of God's exploration of Itself via free will of infinite consciousnesses), and of course, evolution is endless and infinite.
As we go up the evolutionary ladder (the guides & helpers of the guides & helpers of the guides & helpers, ad infinitum), what is cosmoethical or helpful, will tend to get clearer. But cosmoethics is never objective, absolute, static or inflexible. Nor should it be.
One then, might say it's a matter of playing with words, but it is important that words like 'right' and 'wrong', which usually convey limiting, dogmatic ideas similar to 'sin' and religious notions of judgement, be recognized as limiting and unhelpful, especially when they fuel fear and judgement.
Thus, one can only judge what is right or correct, for himself and himself only. One cannot judge another to say, "What he did was wrong". By the Law of Reflection and the Clarification process, you can only (correctly) say, "What he did (as I understand it), would be wrong for *me* to do, because it is not in accordance to my will to be of positive service to others (as I understand it)".
Quote:As much as anyone on this board says that love is all there is, so should they say hate is wrong. When you start with those initial definitions, you can extrapolate from there.
Hate is not wrong. Hate is based on fear, which is the absence of Love. Love is correct, but only for those who choose Love. You decide what you choose.
What you choose for yourself, determines what is 'right' or 'wrong', 'correct' or 'incorrect' for you, but only for you, yourself (and never for others).
This is self-responsibility and clarity, which is much more helpful (for one's personal evolution) than attempting to project judgement upon others (which is not 'incorrect', but ultimately your judgement is only relevant to yourself).
Quote:We can agree to disagree on the board about this, Gerald. I still say in a world with no right or wrong, there is no accountability for action, there is chaos, and no spiritual advancement.
Everyone is always accountable for himself. Not accountable to others for himself, but accountable to himself for himself. No one is accountable to you, and you are not accountable to anyone else.
This is from the perspectives of the guides, helpers, teachers and evolutionary orientors. They do not pass judgement upon you, even during the Life Review which occurs after death. During discussions with the soul, including the Life Review in the intermissive period, they, acting out of empathy, compassion and with intention to assist (the best that they at their various levels understand how), will guide the individual soul by gently sharing their insights (eg. by asking relevant, impactful questions targetting various contexts of the life just lived), sharing of their suggestions and their perspectives, from their greater evolutionary experience and wisdom.
And yes, we can (and correctly so) agree to disagree, have unique perspectives or varying ways of seeing issues, taking stands, and so on. This is only correct, because if every consciousness, every individual, every soul group, every Disc/Disk, every race, every lifestream, every world, every universe, etc, has come into existence to explore a somewhat unique perspective. Which is the very reason for free will.
Finally, we stand by our very words, no double standards here. If you should disagree with what we have just posted here, then it is certainly 'wrong' or 'incorrect' for you, very simply because you disagree with it. But it's not 'wrong' or 'incorrect' for those who agree, quite obviously.
The International Academy of Consciousness, and beings of higher vibration such as Hilarion, recognize that there is only what can be termed as "relative leading edge truths", and this refers to, for instance, what the guides & helpers largely agree on, as cosmoethical, as valid, as helpful, etc; as well as the knowledge, teachings, concepts, laws, understanding or wisdom. But they're always open to evolution, of ideas and of self.
So, what *is* right for you? *You* are.
Therefore, choose well.