would like to mention certain music helps a meditative state..one such piece which I listen to sooths out my emotional wrinkles so I can write or read better..it's called:
Variations On Pachelbel's Canon
Lifescapes - Classical. I'm sure theres many fine pieces out there, this is just one of the first classical pieces a chicken farmer like me can get into. lol.
theres this old saying that god helps those who help themselves..along came Ernest Holmes and he changed it to say "treat, and move your feet." along came my favorite alien Monroe and DP twists his words to mix it with his religion soup and he says "be thou the eternal probe, and plunder not too badly the earth.."
I like this tag I read once while hanging in the dentist office, I found a treasure..it said:
u may find I’m no different than u, dreams, disappointments and a few crystal clear moments of grace.
sort of makes us embrace our humanity I thought.