Wecome Gerald maybe some others can help us here with the little finger bending idea.
I've thought about it some..even took me little pinky and slowly bent it while asking Bruce in my mind.."like this?" ha ha!
I think you are close to getting it. very close! except for using the word anxiousness.
probably a better word to replace that one is "standing at attention."
now, I've never been in the army, but I imagine how the soldiers are trained to stand at attention. I imagine what they must be thinking while they are standing at attention. probably they are not thinking the car needs to be lubed or nothing like that...
it appears the army set up the men that way to prepare them for combat action, to make them obediant to command.
maybe the mind is like that...we can make our minds stand at attention...a place of readiness for action...the light will turn green any minute...then the action will start..in the meantime hold the reins tight and feel the power of attention under that hood and hope that all pistons are firing in time...
(my cars being tuned up)